Chapter 8

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Trying not to cry through my raccoon eyes, I stopped myself from throwing the black brush with medium-hard bristles. I barely got any sleep last night, it was just so much on YouTube, Netflix and other apps on his television that I wanted to catch up on.

"Saige, you almost done?" Chance called out and I looked in the mirror with a frown as I looked at my hair. I tried to mimic everything the woman did in the video but I couldn't lay my edges down for anything.

"No. I'm not going I look like shit." I cried out.

"Only crazy girls cry when they don't like how their hair is coming out." He chuckled as I pouted watching him walk into the bathroom and I tried not to stare. He wore some light-colored jeans with a white t-shirt. A sweater with colored characters draped around it, and I smiled at the sight of color.

This was going to be something interesting and new.

"I can't get the edges right." I threw the old toothbrush he said no one uses in the sink. Coming closer to my face, he hovered over me and the intoxicating smell of his cologne hit my nose, as I inhaled for a little longer than I usually would.

Closing my eyes little specks of color appeared as I kept inhaling analyzing the citrus scent. Smelling stronger the herbaceous smell had base notes that were woody warmed and spiced with aromatic coriander and juniper berries, strengthened by sandalwood. With all of these smells together I could still get a hint of jasmine, and thyme.

My eyes fluttered back open feeling the wetness of the gel back on my baby hair while the bristles move in a circular motion. He bit his lip with his eyes on mastering them, and my heart started beating out my chest.

"Now you look perfect." Turning my body back to the mirror it was indeed exactly if only better than the woman who did them in her video. Looking back at him he was on his phone as if that little bit of contact didn't make his heart thump as it did mine.

His clear chocolate skin glistened from the sun hitting it through the window, as his face moved upward from a smile that graced his face from a video that was playing on his phone. His straight white teeth sparkled, and his deep dimple poked. Brushing over his waves he looked up to me, and I quickly moved my eyes causing a chuckle to leave his mouth.

It was so much easier staring at him while he was sleep.

I know it was weird but I wasn't use to being close with a human since my parents, especially a male.

I wondered if Tabatha was feeling the same way with Carter.

"We should go." He grabbed my hand and I followed him feeling the breeze on my skin from the wife beater he lent me that I cut into a crop top. A style I had seen the girls from yesterday wear their shirts. It was a lot of exposed skin, but I loved the difference from the long dresses I wore.

"Parking lot." His hand print was required on a wall before a rush of air and shakiness caused me to scream and close my eyes, as I felt like I was flying.

"You can open now." He laughed at my ugly facial expression while I opened one eye peaking seeing we were in the parking lot. "Did we just teleport?"

"Yea. I don't like that shit either but I'm trying to let you see all the new technology that's come out since you've been gone." I played with the pair of jeans I was sure was owned by a possible girlfriend that had left it as he started driving to the Rec Center.

Like I had always thought it should be, he explained to me this morning that people weren't assigned people to reproduce with, and there were enough people on the Earth again for people to choose their soul mates, and live a regular life like we once did.

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