are they still there?

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It's junior year, and Nini Salazar-Roberts definitely does not have feelings for Ricky Bowen.

So what if he's sweet and ridiculously attractive and makes her stomach twist every time she sees him? That means nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Okay, so maybe it does mean something. But he stopped thinking of her that way a long time ago, and she doesn't want to do anything to mess up their friendship. But just because she doesn't think they're ever going to date again, it doesn't mean she can't appreciate the view from her strategically-placed seat in English.

Really, the angle does wonders for his jawline.

And the best part is, Ricky doesn't seem to notice.

The bad thing is, Ashlyn does.

The thing is, Ashlyn has opinions on Ricky and Nini's relationship. Namely, that they should be in one, because Neens, he still likes you, and it's pretty obvious you still like him too.

Nini's trying not to think about what Ashlyn had said, she really is. But she can't stop turning that conversation over in her head, because what if he really does like her, that stupid, perfect idiot. And then one thing had led to another, and now she may or may not be planning to do something incredibly stupid, like marching up to him at lunch and asking him if he really does still have feelings for her.

The moment she does it, she regrets it. Big Red spits out his apple juice from his seat across the table, and Ricky chokes on a bite of bread.

Ricky stares at her for a moment, and then turns to Big Red with wide eyes.

"Don't look at me, man, I'm not the one who asked you the question."


Ricky turns back to Nini.

"It's fine," she lies. "Really. It's just this stupid thing that Ashlyn said, and I was just wondering if it was true or not, but you really don't have to answer if you don't want to, because-"

"Nini, the thing is-"

"It's okay, I know that you don't, but-"

"Nini, I-"

"I thought that I would ask anyway, because-"

"Just stop rambling, I-"

"He likes you, Nini, now can you stop looking like you're about to change your identity and flee to a foreign country? Some of us are trying to eat our lunch in peace," calls Carlos from across the table.

Nini heart stops. "Wait. What?"

Ricky throws his roll at Carlos' face.

"Carlos, you are going to die a slow and painful death." When he faces her again, he looks like he wants to sink into the floor. "Look, Nini, that's really not how I wanted you to find out."

"So you do still like me?"


Nini thinks that her heart has jumped out of her chest, and all she can do is stare at him while trying to think of something to say that's not completely embarrassing, like Great. So glad we got that cleared up. Want to go make out now?

"Please don't hate me, I-"

"I like you too."

Ricky looks like somebody just told him he wasn't going to have to take the SATs.

"Hold on," he says, sounding sort of strangled. "You actually-"

Nini takes a deep breath, and before she can lose her nerve, she grabs his face and kisses him. She can vaguely hear Big Red yelling that Seb owes him three dollars, and can register the sound of Ashlyn cheering in the background, but she doesn't care. Because it's her junior year, and she definitely has feelings for Richard Bowen.

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