I need you

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The constant ringing of Nini' phone became irritating. She didn't understand why whoever was calling didn't get the message that she wasn't answering the phone. So on the seventh ring, she put down her book and picked up her phone. Annoyance left her and worry consumed her as she saw who the caller was.

"Are you okay?" She asked. When Ricky Bowen calls you seventeen times in a row nonstop, something is wrong. She walked over to her bed and sat down on it gently as she put the phone on speaker and rested it beside her. She slid her shoes out from their place under her bed, preparing in case she needed to leave immediately.

"No," his hoarse voice rang through the phone, sending shivers down her spine. "Are you busy? Can I come over?" She could hear the hurt and tears in his voice and could feel a lump forming in her throat. "Please?" He begged.

"Yeah, of course," she reassured him. "What's going on?" Ever since his parents split up, he hadn't been the same. Nini was always scared for him. She knew he blamed himself for the divorce. She was scared that that guilt would consume him one day.

"I just..." he paused. "I need someone to talk to."

"Yeah, okay. Come right over."

Fifteen minutes later and Ricky was standing at Nini's front door with his head hanging low and his hair swept across his forehead instead of up in its usual quiff. She didn't even bother saying hello, just pulled him into the house and then into a hug. Neither knew how long they stood there, just that they liked the way their bodies fit together.

"What happened?" She tried to find his eyes, but he avoided her gaze. She knew he'd been crying, she could sense it. She took his face in her hands and turned his head to face her. A tear rolled down his cheek. She wiped it away. "Ricky... you can tell me. I don't know what you did. It doesn't matter how bad it is, I won't judge you for it. Here come on, let's go sit on my bed, yeah?" He nodded and they walked upstairs together. Nini was felt this urge to protect him and couldn't let go of his hand.

He laid down on his side and rested his head in her lap. She stroked his hair.


"She broke up with me." She felt a tear hit her thigh. "I don't know why I'm even upset. I wasn't in love with her. I loved her. But I wasn't in love." He curled his legs towards his stomach. She continued to stroke his hair but rested one hand on his waist. "She didn't even care. She wasn't broken up about it. She doesn't deserve my tears after treating me how she did. And she left me for another guy. As if it couldn't get worse. I gave her my heart and she gave me pain." He sniffled.

"Ricky, if someone is okay with losing you... they never really cared for you. I know it sucks to hear it, but it's the truth. And I don't know why anyone would want to lose you. You're the most amazing guy I know. You're smart, funny, caring. You're what every girl looks for in a guy. So it's her loss and your gain. You don't need that negativity in your life. But I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you. And I'll never leave you." She lowered her head and kissed the side of his gently. He closed his eyes and a small smile painted his face.



He turned his head slightly to look up at her.

"I need you."

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