I could call you Richard

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"How come you're the only one who hasn't called me by my real name?" His raspy voice was like music to her ears. His eyes were closed, his head was rested in her lap and her fingers were running through his mop of hair.

"Well, I could call you Richard... but that's not who you are to me. You've never been Richard Bowen to me. You're Ricky. Goofy, intelligent, loving, kind, Ricky Bowen. Yes, Richard is your real name... but does that even feel like you anymore? Deep down in your heart are you Richard? Now, I mean, if when I'm cheering you on that is what you want me to yell, I'll go for it. But I love Ricky. I love you. No matter your name, I love you." She bent over and planted a kiss on his forehead, making Ricky feel more at home than ever.

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