The Text

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I wake up in a panic hearing Natsuki scream. I calm down when it turns out to be another of her night terrors. I look over to Natsuki and Yuri's bed to see that Yuri already has it under control. Yuri's become more of the older sister out of us during the month since the attack. She's also the primary one helping with nights like this by holding Natsuki close,  a common occurrence lately.

I sigh and check the time. 2AM. This will be another rough day at school. I'm just glad that horrible man is locked away now. The time to get up comes way too quickly for any of us.

When it's time for the literature club Monika is there first for once. "Another rough night Ayano?" She asks. She's been noticing our recent sleep deprivation. "Yeah..." I reply. "Hi Ayano!" I'm greeted by one of Sayori's deadly hugs. She sure can be hyper for being the one over sleeping. "Ugh easy Sayori." I say wincing. My wound is almost healed but still sore. "S-sorry! I'm just so happy to see you!" She sure is a sweetheart.

We all laugh as she greets Yuri and Natsuki in the same way. I don't think anyone can get her down. She can still be an airhead though. "Guys,  look what I got!" she announces proudly holding mature multi-vitamins. "Now we can become mature and read mature stuff!" "Sayori,  i-it doesn't work like that." Yuri tries to explain.

"But it says mature,  just like ratings." When will Sayori get it? "That's two different things Sayori." Monika answers patiently. "Then what does mature even mean?" Sayori asks. "Do we have to do this the hard way?” I asks the other girls quietly. "Nothing else is working." Yuri answers. "I hope this doesn't scar her innocent mind too much." Natsuki adds as she gets a book on wattpadd ready. As Sayori starts reading she screams. "Ewww who wrote this!?" She yells running out of the room. I look at Natsuki. "What did you show her?" I ask. "Same author that wrote Yuri's True Passion wrote a story about Sayori." Natsuki replies making us all laugh. Poor Sayori though.

It's all back to normal here. Yet,  something is still off. My phone buzzes letting me know I have a message. An unknown number. "Is something wrong Ayano?" I'm starting at my phone in shock. Please tell me this isn't true. "My mom disappeared,  and my father was found dead." I answer quietly. Please, let this all be a bad dream.

Game Changers: Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now