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I finally manage to trace the number that texted me to who it really is. Is this Info Chan's idea of a sick joke? I dismiss it as her just trying to get more business and put my phone away. I would have known by now if this had really happened.

"Natsuki, what exactly did you show Sayori?" Monika asks concerned at how Sayori is still gone. Natsuki pulls it up on Monika's phone. "Ugh, no wonder she ran out! Natsuki did you bother checking this first, is even worse!" I take this as my chance to leave so I can check on her myself.

Sayori is not far and seems
Okay. I see though that something is off. "Are you sure there's not anything bothering you Sayori?" I ask. Then I found out that this whole time she also had crippling depression. How could we not have noticed,  and how is she always so cheerful too? Instead of returning to the club I spend the rest of the afternoon with Sayori.

By the time I get home it's evening,  and Natsuki and Yuri are both home watching the news. I put my bag away  and change before joining them. "A trail of murders and kidnappings approaches near this city. When will the killer be caught?" Could this have anything to do with the text I got? I go to our room to think. Normally I dismiss all of this,  but I feel like something horrible will happen. I look in the mirror. I'm starting to look more like my mother. I hope her and Dad are okay.

I sit on my bed looking out the window at the rain starting. My thoughts are interrupted by Yuri. "Ayano, even if something bad happens, you're not alone." She's right. We chill together until it's time for dinner. I'm about to follow Yuri out when another text comes. "You can't deny it forever." I leave my phone in my room. I'm so sick of this madness. Yet, could it be true? What of it's my mom behind the recent crime. No, it can't be. Shaking my head I leave.

Game Changers: Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now