TWO - News Part 1

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Peter's P.O.V

When I wake up I smell waffles, my favorite. I get up and remember I wore Tony's hoodie to bed. It's mine now haha. I get a shower and I changed into a grey t-shirt and jeans then I shove the hoodie on a hanger in the middle of my closet. I don't know if Mr.Stark will be acting different today. I don't know if what we did changes how things will work. I blush. Hard. Damn it! Can't I go one day without blushing? Probably not, but hey, as long as its Tony making me feel this way, I guess it's okay. I walk down the hall to the kitchen and see Tony using a press to make waffles.

"Hey kid, good morning" He says with a smirk. I immediately start blushing but lightly because I tried not to, however he noticed anyways and smirks bigger.

"G'morning" I say pouring some coffee, looks like I won't see sleepy Tony today. Wahh.

He finishes making the waffles and puts them on plates while buttering them so they aren't dry and sits at the table across from me, passing me syrup, and we eat in silence like normal. Since there's no school today I'll be working in the lab, thank god there's no weekend homework. Tony finishes up right before I do and he washes the dishes, it's his turn today.

"So," he begins, "Like I said yesterday, the Avengers will be back in a couple hours so we can get some work done before they get back"

"Okay Mr.Stark."

                   ~Time skip brought to you by my love for the Avengers~

Peter's P.O.V

Those few hours went by normally except for the occasional smirk from Tony because I cursed under my breath. I know what he thought, he'll be making me scream those profanities soon enough, but I didn't show any comprehension because I didn't want to, even though I discreetly blushed a lot.

"Hello! We're back!" Boomed who I can only guess was Thor.

"In here!" Shouted Tony. I smile to see the whole team walk into the large lab. Bruce, Natasha, Thor, Steve, Loki, Clint, and Bucky.

"The mission went well." Said Steve, looking at Bucky

"Great, we have made a lot of progress here as well." Says Tony sending a secret wink my way, which nobody noticed because they were busy looking at the new suit we almost had finished. Steve and Bucky are a thing, same with Bruce and Natasha, but nobody knows about me and Tony, even though I don't even know what we are, we'll figure it out later when everybodys gone, I hope.

"Alright, Peter, you can take a break." Says Tony, walking over to Cap to talk about the details of the mission.

"Thanks." I reply, I wanna hang out with Loki, so I walk over and he smiles mischievously. He wants to play a prank. I nod and we walk out of the room grinning like idiots.

"Who?" I ask, still smiling.

"Thor, He's the funniest, I hid his hairdryer once and he was like 'Where is my air machine!?!' And I couldn't help bursting into laughter! He was pretty angry but, thank the gods, I'm faster."

I couldn't help but giggle when he said 'air machine'. I saw Loki's facial expression change for a short second but not long enough to decipher what it was, but now he was wearing his mischievous smile again.

Loki's P.O.V

Peter giggled when I said 'air machine' and I felt felt warm and happy to hear him genuinely happy, but I realized my face changed to I turned it back to my mischievous smile. I hope he didn't catch that, I haven't told him how I feel yet.

Peter's P.O.V

But anyways we have to do another prank, we both started thinking, we tried to hide his hammer but we couldn't even lift it, so no. Suddenly, I got an idea.

"What if we put clear soap on his pillow!" I exclaimed, it's a great idea because he would be sleepy and he wouldn't notice until it was too late.

"Great idea Peter! That will work so well. Its settled then, do you have any clear soap?" Asked Loki excitedly.

"Yeah in my closet, let's gooo!" I whisper yelled. We fast-walked to my room and flung the door open and ran to my closet, I yanked the closet open and reached up high but I couldn't reach it so I jumped and knocked it down, Loki caught it before it hit the ground.

"Team work!" We whispered together and both started cracking up at the coincidence. After a few minutes we got our bearings back.

"You can keep the soap, I doubt I'll ever need it, especially since you guys don't live here." I say, happy to finally be calmed and have the soap.

"Alrighty then, looks like we have it set up on your end and later I'll have it done on my end, and I'll record it when it happens so you get to enjoy his discomfort with me."

"Thanks Loki, sounds like fun." I say, impatient to see the outcome.

"You're welcome." He replys obviously excited to see this done. He walks toward the door to go to the lab and joke with everyone and eavesdrop on conversations but I decided to try to stop him and talk to him about the one thing that has been on my mind all day.

"Erm.... Loki?" I say, thinking of what happened yesterday, I need to talk to someone or I'll explode.

"Yeah Pete? What's up?" He asks interest and worry etched into his face.

"I need to talk to you about something that happened, will you shut the door please?" I ask, not wanting another Avenger to know about what happened.

"Sure." He says quickly walking over after shutting the door.

"Umm... T-this is kinda personal so, uh, please don't tell anyone...promise?"

"I promise." He says hastily obviously wanting to know what happened.

A/N HEHEHEHE I'm gonna make you wait like the evil person I am hehe...  anyways I still enjoy your company my dearest fluffballs! Bye!

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