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Its been two days since the argument took place between Mark and Abigail. Abigail have stopped talking with everyone. Whenever she sees Mark she turns away her face.

"How long will this go on?" asked George.

"Abigail's ego is hurt. She's not gonna leave Mark so easily", Izzie said.

Abigail was waiting for the elevator. When the door of the elevator opened Mark was standing there.

"Fuck", Abigail thought. She entered. If she took the stairs it would mean she was avoiding him which means he wins. Abigail's not gonna let that happen.

The tension in that closed space was much. She knew he was looking at her.

"Stop staring at me", Abigail said when she couldn't take anymore.

"I am not", Mark said simply.

Both of theirs ego was much to apologise to each other.


Months have passed. Abigail was staying with Meredith. Though her parents have their own home, Abigail wanted to live away from family. She liked her new family.

The issue between Abby and Mark was still unresolved. It kind of faded away. Both of them ignore each other. No talking except professional. Outside the hospital it was difficult to avoid Mark. Mark is Derek's best friend and Derek is Meredith's boyfriend who stays with Meredith at her home and Abby stays their too. So mostly every morning Mark comes to meet Derek at his home.

It was the other day when Derek and Meredith stayed at Derek's trailer and Izzie said Alex were at night shift. Abby was all alone at home.

She woke up, got fresh and was going to make breakfast when she heard the front door unlocking. She thought it was Izzie because her shift would end first. But it was Mark. Mark also had a key so that in emergency he can crash in the house too.

Abby didn't notice Mark. Thinking of her friends Abby said, "want some breakfast? I m making toast and omlette. Grab the juice"

Abby was busy cooking. Her back was towards Mark. Mark looked at her. She was wearing a crop top which ended in halfway and her panties. Mark was adoring her beauty. Her perfect curves and how her hips sway as she was cooking.

This was the first time Mark was not aroused by seeing a girl half naked. He wanted to touch her but in a soft loving way. He wanted to explore her, know her and maybe love her.

Still not knowing about Mark, Abby said, "you know Izz, I am done with Mark. He just keep on giving me those looks. I am not going to say him anything. And you know what's more irritating? When he's here at home. Its just I kinda like him in his leather jacket and then I have these rush of emotions"

Abby completed her cooking and turned around with the plates. Mark was sitting there, wearing that leather jacket.

"MARK!!!!!", said Abby in total shock. "What are you doing here?"

"I came for Derek"

"Him and Meredith are in his trailer. And you were sitting here all the time without saying me anything?"

"Was adoring you", Mark said and raised his eyebrow which was true infact.

Abby looked at herself. She was wearing panties only. She rushed to her room. Mark laughed. She came out wearing shorts.

"You are such a perv", said Abigail.

"But you are beautiful", Mark said.

Abigail didn't expect that. "Here's your breakfast"

Mark took a bite. "Hmmmmm, you cook well", he appreciated.

Mark and Abigail went to work together. After the morning thing Abigail was a little embarrassed. Whenever Mark used to look at her, her cheeks used to flush red.

She had something for Mark but she was too egoistic to admit her feelings. She used to push it away by thinking of it as infatuation. Moreover Mark has a history of sleeping with the nurses and colleagues. She didn't want to be a part or just another woman with whom Mark would spend a night and forget it.

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Good Doctor but Bad Boy // Mark Sloan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now