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Next morning when Abby woke up, she saw she was in Mark's arm. He was still asleep.

Abby got fresh and came for breakfast.

"Good morning Abby"

"Good morning Derek. Want some toasts?"

"Yeah sure"

After a while Mark also came and sat on the table.

Derek and Meredith looked at him.

"What?", Mark asked.

"You slept with Abby?", Meredith asked.

"I didn't sleep with her, exactly, its just...... She was sad and we just cuddled up"

"Good morning Mark", said Abby.

"Good morning", Mark said and smiled.

At work it was busy. Abby had to leave early because tomorrow is her party and still some preparations are left.

"Already leaving?", asked Mark.

"Yeah, having some party work still left"

"Oh", said Mark remembering she didn't invite him, yet.

"You are coming, right? Tomorrow?"

"You didn't invite me", Mark said.

"I am inviting you now. Come tomorrow", Abby said and left.


It was Abigail's birthday. In morning she came to hospital.

"Here's the birthday girl", said George.

Everybody sang happy birthday to her and wished her.

"Happy birthday Dr. Abigail Prescott", said chief.

"You could have wished me as your friend's daughter and not as your resident", Abigail said as she hugged chief.

After doing her work Abby left. She went home, got ready for party.

At party everyone was present. Meredith, Derek, Izzie, Alex, Cristina, Owen, George, Mark, Callie, Chief, Arizona and others.

"Meredith", said Mr. Prescott, "its so good to see you"

"Mr. Prescott", said Meredith and hugged him back. "These are my friends", said Meredith and introduced them.

"You guys enjoy", Mr. Prescott said and went to talk with chief.

It was time when Abigail came. She was wearing a sky blue gown with her hair up and big earrings. Abigail was usually sweet looking but today she looked beautiful too.

As Abigail came, Mark couldn't take his eyes off her. Everybody started wishing her and giving her presents.

"Happy birthday girl", said Meredith.

"This gift is from all of us", Izzie said. They all gave a group hug.

Then Mark came forward.

"Happy birthday Abigail", Mark said. Abigail blushed.

"Thanks", she replied.

"This is for you", Mark said and handed her a gift.

"Thank you"

Mrs. Prescott announced everyone to gather as it was time for cutting cake.

It was a beautiful three layered cake with white frosting and choclate chips.

There were 28 candles marking her 28th birthday.

As she blew the candle everybody sang her the b'day song.

Later her parents left and let their daughter enjoy.

Everybody got drunk and danced. Owen showed sone moves which totally impressed Cristina. Derek and Meredith were the sweet couple who danced in their own way. Alex and Izzie were sitting apart and giggling. Well Izzie was giggling mostly.

Mark walked upto Abby.

"Wanna dance?", Mark asked.

"Sure", Abigail blushed.

At first they swayed with the music. Then Mark spinned her and pulled her closer. He took a deep breath to inhale her sweet body smell. Mark rubbed his nose in the bare neck of Abby. A chill ran down through her spine. She closed her eyes. Abigail looked at Mark's eyes. Both of them wanted to kiss.

Abigail took Mark up to her room. Nobody noticed because everyone was busy with their own partner.

As Abigail closed the door, Mark pushed her against the door and started kissing. Abby kissed him back. She clutched his hair while jumping in his arms. Mark carried her upto the bed. Their he layed her down and started kissing her neck. Abby moaned.

Mark opened his shirt. Abby looked at his steaming hot body. No wonder why people call him McSteamy. Then he turned Abby and opened the chain of her dress. The dress slided down. He then pulled the whole dress away. For a moment Abby couldn't believe. She was laying there only in her underwears and in front of her was the hottest doctor.

Mark kissed her. She wrapped her legs around him. She could feel the boner. Mark slowly started going down. As Mark digged his head between her two legs, Abby gasped. Her hands were clutching the bed sheet. She moaned.

Mark removed his pants. Abby looked at Mark's face. She pulled him in a kiss. This man have turned her so on.

As Mark was giving her pleasure, Abby screamed his name. Mark kissed her neck, her chest upto her belly.

At last when they were done, they both layed there in the bed, all sweating and gasping.

Abby had one of her most amazing birthday.

Votes and comments are appreciated 😊❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2020 ⏰

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