Chapter6: finally

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As sure it got quite I look to see since I'm all up in my emotions. When I look to see the doctor who is really cute. " good morning, glad to see you awake miss. Scarlett is it? Hi I'm dr.solon. How are you?" "I've had worst, so what's the damage doc I can talk and see so can't be that bad." As he comes to check the IV in my arm and checks the wires on my chest he sees all the scars on my body I look away ashamed. Nicole's and mine meet and I see a single tear roll down her face as I have made my angel cry. She turns back to the doctor " your surgery went well your lungs and heart should recover nicely." " thank you now when do I get out?" " let's say a week tops unless you go downhill again." "Ok. A week then." Dr.Solan leaves the room and heads to come the nurses station. Nicole places her hand over mine she look into my eyes "I can't help but ask what did you see while you were " gone" or were you just in the dark? Could you hear us?" As I close my eyes thinking if I should tell her I wanna trust her but every time she runs. I look at her as I tell her everything that happened by the end of it she stood up and climbed in bed giving me a hug and she told me "if you think nobody needs you or wants you remember I do and I always will and now that your 18 you can make your own choice I know your not ready fo the outside world so come and live with me I know you don't wanna go home what do you say?" I start to think in my head —inner me—I never thought someone like her would want anything to do with someone like me. What if she's really a bitch or if she's just using me for my money? All theses questions start to send me in a spiral to try and stop myself I think of something sweet and the only thing that I can think of are her lips the night she kissed me. "I'll take my chances,sure." She leaves why a smile on her face just hopefully she don't regret it. By the end of the day my caseworker came by one last time and we said our goodbyes but before she left the said" try and find the good in things. It's not all bad." And she walks away and with the long night here I see the moon though my window as my dinner is brought to me I wasn't really hungry so I just left it and went to bed. By the next morning I see another tray this time on it was waffles, eggs and some ham I look over and see Nicole sleeping when did she get here I don't bother her as I start to cut my waffle and eat as I watch her rest she's so peaceful and beautiful a nurse comes in with me release forms and Nicole's eyes sprang open as she look at me and asked how long was she sleeping I replied " not sure that chair is comfy?" Nicole says with a hint of scarasam " it's feels like a Queens bed. As she bust into a fit of laughter I just sit and watch everything is a blur when she's there all I can think about is Nicole. As the papers have all been signed and I'm an in this amazing car I couldn't believe it my life was actually turning around. We pull up to this great big house and I heard dogs I ask haw many  she responded with  "only 5 pit bulls" do they bite ? No not unless you give them a reason to. As we walk though the huge front door I noticed besides the dogs their is nobody else here I follow her as she walks to the living room and she points over at the couch as she goes to what looks like her bedroom I sit down and close my eyes  I open them to the sound of the tv as I look over I see Nicole in some really short shorts as I return to what I was doing I start to fall asleep when all of a sudden I feel a pillow being thrown at me as I look over I see a smirk 😏 on her so I grab the pillow I go over and put it on her lap then I rest my head and say goodnight. As her fingers we running though my hair I start to dose off again I drift into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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