Chapter 6

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We go to a nearby gas station and I go inside and get a couple red bulls, a 2 liter Mountain Dew, and a bag of beef jerky.

I return to the truck, pull out my phone and grab the cord from the stereo.

I shuffle around until I find the snow plow playlist and begin to play it.

That now starts the night of plowing.

We venture to another gas station, one that we have to plow, my dad stops the truck and I hop out, grab a shovel and move away.

He begins to plow around the lot and I head straight over to the gas caps and start shoveling around them.

I do this so we don't rip them up with the blade.

After I finish, he makes a pass and pushes all of my shoveled snow into a berm.

Off to the next account.

We plow and plow for a great time, it's not until around 00:00 that I realize how much snow is on the ground.

We are at a chain of accounts, my friend's mom owns one of then and she helped us get the others.

I ask my dad to stop the truck and I unload the snow blower.

I snowblow all the close areas where the blade can't get without doing damage, after that I tell my dad " I'm going to walk to the other gas station and start there."

He tells me "be safe" and I nod in agreement.

I walk with the blower about a 1/2 mile and begin to work.

It's about 3:00am by the time I finish with all of the accounts in that area, I've already got back in the truck with my dad.

He tells me that he is a little sleepy, I hop in the driver seat and he rides shotgun ( I am not old enough to drive yet but in the winter cops don't mess with plow drivers, a perk of living in a small town).

By this time no one is on the roads except for other plow drivers and the occasional sheriff.

The plow has chains on so I don't have to worry too much about ice, my dad tells me go as fast as I want.

I push the pedal down until I reach 65mph and then keep from accelerating anymore, I go through red lights because those mutherfuckers never change at night.

I head to a 7/11 in the middle of town. We refuel the truck, and my dad goes inside to buy a pack of cigarettes.

I drink my last Red Bull and open the bag of jerky.

I pull out a very nice piece of cow and start to slowly chew on it.

My dad returns with a few bottles of my blood (Mountain Dew) and I ask for one of the bottles.

I twist the cap of and take a enormous swig.

DAMN SON that's some good stuff.

Mountain Dew is my blood, it actually hydrates me and when I don't consume any for a while my body starts to ache and it kills me.

We continue to plow and plow.

Finally, we are done.

We park the truck in the drive way and I slowly drag my body to the back room.

I begin to take off all of my gear.

Once I have done this, I climb the stairs and sleek into my bed.

I sleep for 10 hours straight.

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