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Jack frowned, "Why not."

"It is not my burden to bare, nor is it my fate." She spoke calmly, Jack stared at her, as if he was thinking of a plan.

"Tia Dalma." He whispered causing her to take him more seriously, she looked at him taking a double take on what she just heard.

"What about her."

"We sail to her now." Jack said making Havilina grow happy, she jumped up and down squealing with excitement, her eyes brows raised and eyes widened.

"I'm coming- wait if we're going to her then we'll DEFINITELY be having an amazing adventure." She giggled.

"Knew she couldn't resist." Jack whispered to Will, Will gave him an unsure look.

She ran to the other side of the ship and sang out to the other mermaids, the mist died down to a percentage and the Fallen Luna appeared right beside the pearl, the men on the pearl looked onto the Luna to see many beautiful women, and saw some women climbing up the boat from the other side, they only caught small glimpses of their bare bodies as it was dark, some of them turned around to respect their privacy, but others stared in lust, Havilina was too busy shouting orders to Marina to notice.

The crew of men gave out whistle to the girls, they had no idea that they were mermaids, some of the girls let out hisses, baring their teeth to the men irritatedly.

The men stopped the whistling and grew cautious.

"Vampires! Attack!" One of the men yelled out scared.

"Those are not vampires, mate, they are in fact, Mermaids." Jack grabbed the man by the shoulders, hushing him, rather then calming him down, this scared him more.

"They'll eat us- she'll eat us!" He pointed to Havilina, causing her to frown.

"Oh no mate, she's harmless." Jack curled his lips.

"But she-" he stopped and stared at her, in a loving way, as most men did when they saw a mermaid.

Havilina turned away scoffing, she went up to the captains quarters, where she knew Jack wanted her to stay, instead of down the bottom with the rest of the crew, even tho Mermaids are stronger than the average female, they have a disadvantage when being on land and the fact that's she beautiful made her so much more desirable. 

Gibbs approached Will, who was watching the young lady walk up the stairs.

"What was that about." Will asked Gibbs, Gibbs sucked in his lips and let out a sigh, ignoring his question, Will turned to face him properly.

"What did he mean, "she'll eat us." Will elaborated, furrowing his eyebrows in curiosity at the young girl closing the door behind her.

Gibbs let out a small laugh.

"Don't worry boy, she's not like her- uh- friends." Gibbs smiled, trying to hide the truth, not wanting to explain everything to him, clearly, Will didn't know anything about mermaids.

"What's her "friends" like." Will continued to ask, he felt a pair of hands grab his shoulders, he turned to see Jack putting his head on his shoulder and smiling at him, Will was disgusted when he caught a glimpse of his black and yellow teeth.

"They're mermaids mate, the most dangerous women of the sea." Jack explained, moving away from Will, then followed by the hushed words underneath his breath, saying how sexy that sounded.

"Mermaids?" Will furrowed his eyebrows again.

"Aye." Gibbs agreed.

"But they have legs, not a tail." He looked over to see the other ship sailing away, he saw the women walking back and forth.

"Aye true, but when in sea their legs turn to fish scales. Legends says they lure men of all kinds in by seducing then with their beauty, then, they grab ahold of them and pull them into the depths of the ocean and eat them till nothing but bones is left." Jack explained calmly while Will and Gibbs swallowed the lumps in their throats.

"Then why is she aboard our ship." Will raised his voice in suspicion, Jack patted down his shoulder.

"She's not really a mermaid." Jack looked to Gibbs to help him explain.

"She's more ...human." Gibbs shrugged.

"You mean more tameable? We still can't trust her-" Will said almost aggressively, he didn't like this plan of Jacks at all if such a danger like her was aboard.

"No mate, she is human, Legend also says..." Jack stopped mid sentence and chugged down the bottle of rum in his hands. He finished the last slurp and threw the bottle behind his head, accidentally hitting a passing crew member, the men instantly fell to the ground unconscious, Jack looked at the man and turned back to Gibbs and Will "oops." He shrugged uncomfortably before continuing what he was saying.

"She's actually not a mermaid at all, well, she can turn mermaid because she was blessed by this..." Jack began to think about what to say next, Will and Gibbs stared at him while he thought to himself.

Will turned to Gibbs questioninly.

"Ancient Mermaids." Gibbs smiled reassuringly.

"Oh yeah." Jack agreed, giving a big open mouthed smile.

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