Chapter 18

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Tzuyu Pov

Whew, that was, intense.... the paparazzi and screaming fans I mean. JYP bodyguards do an excellent job protecting us, I made it inside without a single scratch. All the girls are already here so I pushed past the crowd to make my way over to them. I wave but they don't see me, I think to call out to them, but, that's no use .. kill this love is paying so loudly in the background my eardrums were practically bursting.

I climb the platform to where they're standing and that's when Sana finally spotted me. She's already drunk.

"Tzyyua, where have you beeeeen!" She slurs.  She slumps on me, almost throwing me off the platform.

We were allowed to drink, JYP wasnt so strict with restrictions, but, not to this extent.

Jihyo rushes over after witnessing the commotion and drags her past the crowd to the bathroom, I follow behind. I'm scared for Sana, I know how mad Jihyo can get, and also, even though camera's were prohibited inside, I'm hoping no one took a sneak video. It's not a good look, especially for a female idol, k-netizens would eat her alive!

I enter the bathroom after them and lock the door behind me.  As soon as I turn around, Sana throws up. All .over .me. Ew.

I screech intensly in disgust!

"Shhhhhhh, don't drag any more attention to us! My goodness, both of you are a piece of work, honestly" jihyo exploded.

"I'll call the driver to take you both home, tzu, keep an eye on her" she growls as she storms out the bathroom.

I scower the bathroom for wet wipes whilst Sana lays down on the floor as we wait for Jihyo to return with the driver.

Shortly after, the door opens...

"Well that was fast!" I make my way back to the bathroom entrance expecting Jihyo, only to find Rosè scowling at me.

Oh God, what now!

"Tzuyu right?,"

Silly question, but I nod regardless.

"I saw you leave with Jungkook earlier"

I sense resentment in her tone.... now I understand why she was glaring at me earlier. She likes him.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe, with me" she laughs.

"Well, there's nothing to tell, we're just friends" I was'nt about to trust her with that info now that I was aware of her feelings for him.

"Ah"  she exclaims  "well, I can't say I'm surprised, you wouldn't be the first"

"Ah, jungkook sunbaenim, some people will never change" she mutters under her breath but  loudly enough for me to hear.

My insecurity gets the best of me and I take the bait.

"What do you mean?" I know I'll regret it, but I ask anyway.

"Oh, drop the act, you can't possibly be that naive tzuyu. Everybody in this industry knows what he's like. It's clear your his new playtoy, until he gets bored of you and tosses you aside, like he did with the rest". He'll never love you, he can't love anyone!

I feel my blood boiling. Luckily, Jihyo pushes the door open hard enough to knock Rosè to the ground. Karma.

"Oops, sorry, didnt see you there..."

The ruckus manages to wake sana up.

Rosè staggers back up, whilst holding the wall for support.

Jihyo grabs sana and myself by the arm before Rosè has the chance to fully gather herself.

We meet with the bodyguard who guides us through the crowd to a backdoor exit.

The Next morning....

I wake up to Sana sleeping blissfully next to me. I know she's gonna wake up with the worst hangover, so I head to the kitchen to make her some coffee. 
As I wait for the water to boil, I scroll through Instagram on my phone, ( through my fake account of course). I follow mostly, makeup artists, fashion blogs and, to my detriment, Dispatch.

A headline catches my eye immediately.


The words flash across the screen and my eyes can't believe it. No. It can't be! just as I'm about to dismiss the article as clickbait, I catch a glimpse of the picture beneath. It's a little dark and not so clear, but I can make out their faces and what they were doing. It feels like my heart is being ripped from my chest. Rosè's words from last night keep ringing in my ear.
" your just his new playtoy". I try to shut her words out, but it keeps replaying in my head over and over.
There has to be a reasonable explanation for this. I refuse to believe it, no way!
I decide to investigate further. I google search his name and surely enough, a thousand and one 'rosekook' articles pop up.  It's the trending topic on every site.

"JUNGKOOK AND ROSÈ GET HANDSY AT MAMA REHEARSAL" another headline reads, with a picture of Rosè playing with Jungkook's hair. A piece of me just died. I can't hold the tears back anymore. I should have known better.
After a while, I manage to gather what's left of me together. I make my way back to the bedroom and cuddle up next to Sana who's still sleeping.

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