Trouble with the mouse Pokemon, Y/n and Ash's first trail begins.

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On the way to school, Y/n and the rangers where they were greeted of a sight of  a truck that had the log tied to it spilled the ground.

When asked what happened, they were told that a group of Rattata and Raticate had run in front of the truck  causing the logs it spill to the ground.

The three decided to help, while helping they met Ash and Professor Kukui. 

A few minutes later, the Kahuna who's name is Hala appeared to lend a hand. Not to long after, a group of works and their Machamps quickly finish putting the log back to the truck.

Hala had invited the Professor, Ash and Y/n to his home. The three accepted, when reached Y/n and Ash learned that the kahuna of each island that makes the Z rings. 

It turns out that Ash's Z ring was made by Hala himself, and he hear from the kahuna form Akala island that one of the ring was been taken.

Y/n and Ash were surprised to find out that the two island guardian's has taken the ring form the kahuna's before giving it to them.

Hala had requested the two to help with the Rattata and Raticate with a catch. They cannoot battle them. 

The next day, Ash was sighing with caught the attention of the others, from Rotom Ash has sighed 786 time since yesterday which shocked the others that he could think of that long.

Kaiwe spoke for the class that they'll help them on what's on their mind.

The two explained what kahuna Hala asked of them, and they started to think till Lille said if they knew more about the Rattata and Raticate, they could find a answer.

Rotom was more than happy to help, but when the image of the two Pokemon in question where shown, Ash was shocked to see the two were not the same as the ones form kanto.

"Rattata and its evolved form, Raticate. The Mouse Pokemon. A dark and normal  type. When they band together,they steal food from people's homes.Long ago, they came here to the Alolan islands aboard cargo ships,and eventually grew into the Pokemon we see today.The numbers of Rattata and Raticate eventually grew so large that Yungoos and Gumshoos  were brought in from a different to chase them off."

"That's it!" The class shouted in union. This however startled Togedemaru, causing her to run around knocking the other Pokemon of the table before Pikachu caught the roly-poly Pokemon to stop her. She then started to snuggle against Pikachu much to his discomfort.

The two brought the answers to Hala who was satisfied by it, he then took the two to a trail area, where a totem Gumshoos can be found.

He told them that to ask the totem for help, they was pass the trail before they" help them. 

Hala called out to the totem, before long two Pokemon appeared before them. Hala explained that these to are the totems allies, and they must defeat them first.

Rotom then scanned the two to help Y/n and Ash to know what their up against.

"Yungoos, the Loitering Pokemon. Gumshoos , the Stakeout Pokemon. Both are normal types. Yungoos have sturdy fangs and jaws,and when they evolve into Gumshoos, they gain a certain tenacity and patience."

The two thanked Rotom for the info before they got ready, Ash then sent out his Pikachu while Y/n brought out his Diancie.

The two trainers made quick more of the ally Pokemon causing the totem to appear, shocking the challengers of it's size. Rotom even commented about it's three time the size of a normal one.

The Gumshooes used sand attack to slow it's opponents down, but the two didn't let their guard down. 

It then went for a crunch which they dodged. 

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