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Jin was driving to get Yoongi until his car started to beep signaling that the fuel will finish soon. So he decided to go to the fuel station to refill. When he made it there he stopped his car in line since there were several people right before him. He slides the car window and looked outside. His eyes widened when he saw a familiar person. "No . Way." jin thought. He waited a few minutes until it was his turn, and when he stopped his car right in front of the familiar person. He smiled when they made eye contact. "Jin hyung?" "Long time no see, Namjoon" Jin answered while Namjoon smiled. " So what brings you here all of a sudden, you were in America" Namjoon asked.
"Kind of a long story, i'll tell you on the way, hop in" Jin said. Namjoon looked confused at the sudden offer. " But my Job" Namjoon said in a low tone. "Never mind that, come on" Jin said and gestured for Namjoon to come in, and he obeyed. " Oh wait, I'll fill the car  and then come in" Namjoon said when he realised that he didn't fill the car with fuel.

After finishing his work he entered the car and drove off with Jin. And while driving Jin explained everything to Namjoon. And Namjoon was literally shocked. " So you're planning to renew our friendship?" Namjoon asked and Jin nodded in response. "Didn't you realise that you already are, starting from Jimin, Hosoek, and me" Namjoon said with a smile while looking out the window. Jin smiled back and said, "Now it's Yoongi's turn". "Yep" Namjoon answered.

They drove to the bar that Yoongi spent most of his time at. They entered the bar, and were welcomed with the  strong scent of alcohol. " Okay, our mission is to find Yoongi" Jin reminded, "Okay" Namjoon answered.
And they split ways to look for Yoongi in that spacious and large bar.
They looked and looked but didn't find him, until both of them spotted him sitting in a table at the corner. " You go hyung, he'll definitely listen to you" Namjoon said but Jin looked discouraged and sad. Seeing his close friend spending his whole time at the bar, getting drunk, and effecting his own health by doing that. Jin took a deep breath and went to Yoongi expecting a first sight reject. But when Yoongi saw him he didn't react at all. Instead , he just looked at him with dull and tired eyes. "Yoongi" Jin finally spoke after a few seconds. " What do you want 'hyung'?" yoongi asked and emphasised the word 'hyung'. Jin sighed and opened his mouth to talk, but to be interrupted by Yoongi, "I know what you want, and I'm not coming with you, so get lost" he said and took another sip of the alcohol bottle. "Yoongi, you have to at least listen to me" Jin said in calm tone. "I don't want to" Yoongi answered after a while. Jin sighed and said "Then at least tell me if you have seen Jungkook". Yoongi looked at Jin in the eyes when he heard Jungkook's name. " Why do you need him?" Yoongi asked. "Because I want to apologize for being a selfish person. I didn't care whether you guys are going to be okay if I leave or not. I just" Jin just sighed in frustration. While Yoongi looked at him with the same cold face, and said, "Your sorry? Too late". "Too late?" Jin repeated. And Yoongi nodded in response and took another sip of his bottle. "Why? What happened? Is he okay?" Jin flooded Yoongi with all the questions he could blurt out, but Yoongi just simply answered, "I know why, but the other questions you asked . I don't know". " Then will you just forgive me? For the sake of the others?" Jin asked in a pitiful tone. While Yoongi stopped midway of taking another sip of his alcohol bottle. He turned around and faced Jin. "The others? You found them?" Yoongi asked and his face suddenly changed. Jin nodded and said, "I found Hosoek, Namjoon,Jimin, and now you". Yoongi looked at him for a while and then said, "I don't care if you're really guilty or if you're just acting, but believe me when I tell you this" Yoongi grabbed Jin by the collar and continued , " If you ever leave us alone for your own desires, I will never forgive you". And with said Yoongi let go of Jin and stood up. "So that means , Your coming?" Jin asked with high hopes, while Yoongi just nodded in response. Jin smiled at him and said, "I knew your kind self  will come back" Jin answered. Yoongi just stayed silent when he heard that and thought "My kind self?".

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