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When morning came, Jin woke up and got ready to go find Taehyung. He went downstairs and saw Yoongi and Namjoon already ready to go. "Mornin" Yoongi said after seeing Jin. But he just waved, and only groaned, "Ugh". Namjoon and Yoongi looked at each other and back at Jin. "What's wrong?" Namjoon asked in a worried tone. "It's just that, I barley slept yesterday night, because I was thinking of how to find Taehyung and get Jungkook" Jin explained. While Yoongi just shook his head, and Namjoon sighed. " Anyway, let's just go, we can't waste more time" Yoongi reminded them, and they nodded in response and went to the car.

Jin drove to Taehyung's apartment, (Where he lives) and parked the car right in front of it. "Okay , so~ who is going?" Namjoon asked while looking at Yoongi and Jin, back and forth.
Jin sighed and said, "It's definitely me, because all of this is my fault. So~ yeah". Yoongi just nodded and said "I really hope you're guilty for doing that". "HYUNG!" Namjoon said while looking at Yoongi who had a cold expression on his face. "No, it's okay Namjoon, he is right...... I-I- I'm really guilty for leaving you guys", Jin confessed. They stayed silent for a while then Jin broke the silence by saying, " Okay so, I have to go get Taehyung right now". Namjoon and Yoongi nodded in response while Jin got off of the car. He stood in front of the old looking building, and thought, "This looks like it'll fall any moment".

He just brushed that thought off with a sigh and entered the building , hoping to find Taehyung in there. He stood in front of the familiar apartment and knocked the door. He waited a few seconds then the door opened, revealing a lady with normal clothes on. But what caught Jin's attention were that scars all over her face, arms, and shin. "Umm, I'm looking for Kim Taehyung" Jin said while bowing. The girl stood there a few seconds and finally said, "He's not here anymore, he ran away a long time ago"." He did?" Jin asked in disbelieve while the lady nodded. Then she said something that sounded almost like a whisper. But Jin couldn't hear that. Then she almost closed the door but Jin stopped the door and said, "How can I find him, I didn't hear what you said earlier". The lady looked at him and whispered again, "He's usually around your secret place".Jin stood there for a while trying adjust what she said. " But he wasn't there when I got there" Jin said. "That's all I know" the lady answered. " Anyway, thank you" Jin bowed and left. When he entered the car, the first faces he saw, were faces full of hope until. " You didn't find him there, did you?" Yoongi asked, and Jin shook his head. "A lady greeted me and told me that I will find him around our secret place" Jin explained. " Okay then, what are we waiting for?" Namjoon continued, "Let's go!". And they headed to their secret place.

When they made it there, the three of them stood looking at the door for while. "Should we go in?"" Namjoon finally asked, and Jin nodded in response. They opened the door and went in. The place was a mess, and it was dirty. "It's still the same way I left it" Yoongi said. Namjoon shook his head and said, "I don't remember leaving it like this" and point to the mess in the room. "Well, after you guys left me Jungkook coincidentally met here and...." Yoongi trailed off. Jin looked at him and said, " You didn't fight, did you?" Yoongi didn't answer he just looked around trying to avert Jin's gaze. Namjoon sighed and said, "Well, Let's put that aside and find Taehyung". Jin nodded and looked around the room. "Let's split, you guys look around the outside roads and yards, and I'll look around this room" Jin explained. "It's a small apartment, not a room" Yoongi reminded. "Whatever" Jin sighed. And each of them went on their way. Jin searched the whole, 'apartment' while Yoongi and Namjoon searched outside. When Yoongi and Jin didn't have a luck. Namjoon did, and found Taehyung and brought him to their secret place. "Ugh, How did I think that it'll be easy to find you all" Jin groaned while massaging his temples.

"How? Because you thought you could " Yoongi said, sarcasm shown in his voice. Jin was about to protest but stopped when he saw Namjoon entering along with Taehyung. "What-where-how" Jin tried to ask but didn't know how to. " I just found him beside the garage, painting the walls" Namjoon and raised his eyebrows while looking at Taehyung. But Taehyung just giggled and said, "Yo hyung,long time no see". Jin looked at him and smiled, "I'm glad that you're smiling and not scolding like some 'particular person'", he said while looking at Yoongi. "Scolding? Oh, you mean because you left? Nah I'm not mad, because it also our fault for splitting up. Even though we weren't complete without you, we still should've solved that out together" Taehyung said and sighed while continuing, "But we didn't". Jin just smiled sadly and he approached Taehyung for a hug. When they broke the hug Taehyung looked at Jin and smiled. Showing his boxy smile. "So~ the mission is to find Jungkook?" He asked while Jin nodded. "I know which apartment he is in" Taehyung said with a proud expression. " Then let's go" Yoongi said and just passed by Taehyung without saying a word. Taehyung looked at Jin for explanation m, but Jin just shrugged his shoulders. And they went on their way.  " So~ you sure you wanna go?" Yoongi asked Jin when they started to drive there. "Yeah, why?" Jin answered in confusion. "Now?" Yoongi asked and pointed out the window. It was dark already, because they spent the whole day looking for Taehyung, eating lunch, and going back to looking for Taehyung.
"Well, we have to go now, or we might lose him" Taehyung said and suddenly cupped his own mouth with his hand.

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