1.Friends at Diagon alley!

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Percy - Percy Jackson
Percy - Percy Weasley

I disagree with my past self. Percy Jackson will be referred to as Perci and Percy Weasley as simply Percy. Still, I refuse to delete the directions above since I love the comments on it.

September 1990, Diagon Alley

The cool breeze blew in the busy streets of Diagon alley. Civilians, students and their parents wandered around the streets buying wands from Ollivander's, new robes from Madam Malkine's and children enjoying ice creams and candies. In this crowd, five redheads stood out. The Weasley clan. The head of the house, Arthur Weasley - a redheaded tall man who works in the Ministry of Magic in a rather boring and unimportant job was talking to his wife, Molly Weasley - a kind and sweet woman about the small fortune they had earned this summer. The Weasleys were not the wealthiest families but they were one of the happiest families. Their children had to wear hand-me-downs, use their elder siblings wands, pets and books but their happiness which one would never be able to buy, was limitless.

This year the twins - Fred and George Weasley will be attending their first year with their one year elder brother Percy Weasley at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


Yes, Wizardry. Did I forget to tell you that there is a whole wizarding world hidden from the muggles and the Weasleys are one of the oldest wizarding family and that Diagon alley is filled with wizard stuff...?

Oops! Well, now you know.

Now, back to the story.

The twins, mischievous troublemakers were the ones who kept the family laughing. They can make the people crack a smile with their pranks and snarky comments even in the most serious times. Maybe it is because of the fact that they spread joy and hope everywhere or just luck was on their side, they get to buy new wands and robes.

The twins were lanky and tall, too tall for average eleven-year olds. They had a bit of elvish features with freckles spread over their faces and flaming red hair darker than their father. You will never be able to tell them apart. They were the same height and the mischievousness glinting in their eyes didn't have one difference.

Percy Weasley on the other hand was the 'good child' of the family. He was responsible, actually too responsible. He had been planning his future since he started school. So, he was always the target for the twins' pranks. He was the third eldest son in the family. He had the hand-me-downs of his other two elder brothers - Bill Weasley and Charlie Weasley. Both had already completed school and has went out of house for their jobs. The children of the Weasley family had been prefects, head boys or head girls and quidditch champions. So the Weasley children had to do a lot to outshine them and doing this was what Percy wanted to do. He's like that. He takes stuff too seriously but he's good in his own way.

The Weasleys had withdrawn money from Gringotts Bank of Wizards and has brought the children books(which the twins were doubtful that they will touch those) and were on their way to Ollivander's to buy wands for the twins. Molly Weasley all of a sudden stopped abruptly. The twins rammed on her. Seeing their Mum rummaging through her bag muttering to herself, they asked,

"What's wrong Mum?" in perfect sync.

"Lost-" started Fred,

"-something Mum?" finished George. They never knew how they are able to say everything in perfect sync and how one is able to finish the other's sentence. They thought that it was just a twin thing.

Their Mum just ignored them. A hand gently tapped her arm.

"Excuse me mam?" a sweet voice spoke. She turned around to see an eleven year old girl. She had midnight black wavy hair that stopped till her shoulders and she was tall enough as other kids around her age. She had sharp features and tanned olive skin which could only be occured by being in the water and sun at the same time. She looked skinny for her age and she had small bruises on her hands which made Molly frown. The most beautiful was her breathtaking eyes, they were sea green which reminded her of the ocean, they were swirling with emotions and was filled with mirth and happiness and it was a bit darkened at the edges like there were some buried sad memories.

"Is this yours mam? It was down." she asked in a sweet gentle voice which surprisingly reminded her of the waves lapping on the shore of a beach. She held out a brown rather worn down pouch which Molly used to withdraw the money from Gringotts.

Molly smiled widely. "Yes dear. Thank you!"

She smiled too and handed the pouch to the woman who reminded her of her own mother. "You're welcome mam."

Molly opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by a voice yelling, "Perci!"

Everyone turned towards the voice. The Weasleys turned to see who called their Percy.  The girl turned to see her mother rushing towards her. The Weasleys watched as the woman went near the girl and they realised that the woman should be the girl's mother seeing the similarities. Molly and Arthur however recognized the woman as their childhood best friend at school who had been very kind and sweet to everyone but she can also be terrifying when she wanted to be which was proven in the war against You-know-who.

"Where did you go Perci?" she asked the girl with concern.

The girl now identified as Perci rubbed the back of her neck and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry Mom. I just came to give a lost and found pouch to this woman here," she gestured to Molly.

The woman then only seemed to notice the other people. Her eyes widened at the sight of her old best friends Arthur and Molly.

"Arthur! Molly!" The woman exclaimed and launched herself to hug them.

"Sally!" Arthur and Molly exclaimed and hugged their best friend whom they hadn't seen in years. They launched into a conversation about how they missed each other and what they were all doing after school and other stuff. The children were all watching the conversation amused.

"Looks like they know each other" The twins and Perci said it in perfect sync. They looked at each other and grinned.

"Perci Jackson" she said holding out her hand to shake. The twins shook her hand and introduced themselves as Fred and George and informed their surname in perfect sync.

"A pleasure!" Again the trio said in perfect sync. They chuckled at this.

Perci then did the same with Percy.

"Percy Weasley" he introduced shaking her outstretched hand.  Perci  raised an eyebrow at that.

"Even though you both have the same name-" Fred started pointing to the Perci and his brother.

"-we are sure that you're nothing like our-" George continued.

"Bighead" They finished together putting their arms around Percy. Percy looked annoyed. Perci studied the twins' brother. She was sure that he followed rules which was very far from her.

"I'm sure nothing like him-" she pointed to Percy and continued, "-he looks like the 'good guy' of the house and I'm quite the opposite - the troublemaker" she smirked.

Fred and George looked at each other and said "That's us!" grinning. Afraid of the troublemakers' reunion, Percy intervened.

"Soo, you're a first year?" he asked her.

"Yep! A few days ago, my Mom decided to blow my mind by saying that I am a witch and all that. So you go to Hogwarts too?"

"Yes, I am a second year and they are-" he pointed the twins who were talking within themselves "-starting this year"

At the mention of them, the twins looked at their way. "Yep! We can't wait to-" George started.

"-get our wands!" Fred finished looking excited.

"Yeah, I am yet to get my wand too!" She looked excited too. She saw the adults and noticed that they were still having their reunion. She got an idea.

"We'll just go get our wands and the adults can have their reunion" She suggested to the Weasleys. The twins nodded but Percy looked uncertain.

Seeing Percy's uncertain face, she assured him. "Don't worry, we'll be fine as Ollivander's is two shops away. Also, my gut says that it is going to be a one really big reunion"

Perci nodded. "I will go tell my Mom then," The adults agreed as Sally assured Molly that Perci is able to take care of herself and they gave her the money for the wands.

The children then made their way to Ollivander's.

A chapter a day, keeps the tomatoes away!

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