10. Too Much Unexpected Things In A Day

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May 1998, Great Hall

The tension in the Great Hall was so dense that it could be cut with a knife. The ceiling of the Great Hall had an unnatural gray color to it which has been the mood of Hogwarts for the past year. Everyone were huddled together not knowing what to expect.

In this chaos, Harry Potter slipped into the Hall. He didn't know what to think. Snape, Severus Snape, the Potions Master he had whole heartedly loathed since his first year has been a good guy. He had done everything he can to keep him safe and he had never had an ounce of respect for him. Snape was yet another one who had died for him. Harry clenced his fists in anger. Voldemort will pay, he thought to himself.

The students eyes were glued to the windows. A look of utter horror and fear was on their faces. Few were even crying.

Harry saw the Order near the staff table. He numbly made his way to them. The look of horror on their faces seemed exaggerated. True, there were hundreds of death eaters waiting to kill them with Voldemort but the expression was just too much.

He followed their gazes to see the death centers with Voldemort in the center and just beside them were...Monsters...

Big, ugly and deadly monsters. He took back what he had thought about them. To be honest, their expressions were underwhelmed.

Harry couldn't believe his eyes. He was able to recognize few. Still, he refused to believe it, he refused to believe that the monsters from the greek mythology books he had seen was in the Hogwarts grounds.

Molly asked the question on everyone's minds. "What are those?" She pointed to the horde of monsters outside.

"Monsters," Hermione stated the obvious.

"Way to state the obvious, Hermione," Fred and George deadpanned at her.

Hermione huffed and paced in frustration. "But that is not possible. The greek myths are well myths!"

"Whatever it is, how are we going to fight it?!" Ron, who was scared out of his mind seeing the spiders, burst out getting the attention of everyone present.

"Hermione, did you say greek?" Fred asked thoughtfully.

Hermione nodded. Fred and George looked at each other and an unspoken agreement passed between them as they nodded to each other.

"What?" Hermione enquired hating the lack of information.

"We need to get Perci," The twins said simultaneously.

"I'm here" Percy said frowning.

"Not you,-"

"-Perci Jackson"

Molly's eyes were soft as she spoke to her sons, "But she is missing dear."

Fred and George turned sheepish and rubbed the back of their necks, a habit they picked up from Perci.

Ginny crossed her arms against her chest as she questioned them. "What are you both hiding again?"

"She called us two months ago," They rushed out simultaneously.

"Even though she's alive, how're we going to contact her? And how'll she help us with this monsters?" Hermione listed out the problems. Her obsession with theories had been put to rest for a while because of the raw determination that had shone in the twins' eyes just moments before.

"We know a way to contact her," Fred answered.

"And as for how she can help us, we are not really sure. We know she's somehow known to these stuff so she'll know what to do and even if she doesn't, she'll know someone who does," George told her.

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