9.Good things never last...

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August 1997

Harry twisted and turned in is bed yearning for sleep. The nightmares have worsen and the only person he trusts and depends on had been missing.

Yep, you heard it right.

Perci Jackson has been missing.

Nobody heard from Perci Jackson since that fateful day at Hogwarts. Percy had stayed back in school to complete her education after the twins' departure. Somehow, she survived Umbridge and was ready to face the Great Prophecy but as usual the odds were against her and Voldemort struck at the end of the year. She had followed her brother to the Ministry to ensure his and his friends' safety. She did save them and also saved Harry's godfather Sirius Black from Bellatrix Lestrange. She managed to save him with a slight injury that sent him to a temporary coma.

Then she had faced the Great Prophecy and had led the demigods to victory against the Titan Lord Kronos unknown to the wizards. The only other person who knew that she was heading to her apparent death was a certain redheaded twin. The others were left in the dark when the redhead squeezed her to death on the platform.

She was there for Harry and his friends on their sixth year. She was determined to complete her last year without any interruptions and problems. Unfortunately, she had totally disagreed with Harry about his assumption that Draco Malfoy was a Death Eater which led to a fight. Ofcourse, Perci had tried to explain calmly that he wasn't a Death Eater, which was true, it was Harry who had lost it. Harry felt immensely bad for it as it was just days after she had disappeared.

She had been there for everyone. She had been there when someone needed a shoulder to cry on. She had been there when someone needed someone to stand up for them. She had been there to make the things light when it was seriously grim. She had been there for everyone always. Now, her absence just felt so weird for everyone. It didn't feel right.

The twins were taking the news hard which was understandable. They were literally inseparable. Now, they felt like a part of them was missing. Harry had noticed the dark circles under their eyes and how much weight they had lost. It was the result of their search for Perci. Most had given up but the Weasley twins refused to give up. They strongly believed that she was alive and out there somewhere.

The atmosphere was somber. There were those snarky remarks from the twins but they were not filled with their usual mirth. The death of Alastor 'Mad-eye' Moody and George Weasley's 'holey' ear did not help the situation.


Miles away Perci Jackson wandered in the forest. She had woken up there with just her clothes and a pen barefooted. It was a simple orange shirt with faded letters and a pair of ripped jeans. She had discovered the thirty cents a normal looking pen to be a gleaming three foot sword with Anaklusmos written on it which she had translated to Riptide surprising herself. She did not remember anything.

According to her, waking up without memories is not fun. Her life goes like this, her name is Persephone Jackson, which she learnt from the snake ladies and also she somehow knew she preferred Percy and she is from _______ and she was the daughter of _______. It went like that. Her mind was blank. Her whole life was a blank. The snake ladies had called her 'daughter of Poseidon' and strangely she believed it. Somehow, she knew the gods were real and that she was a part of that. It was frustrating for her.

She had loads of questions. Who is my mother? Where am I from? Why did Lupa tell me to go west? Why am I not able to kill the snake ladies? Why can't they kill me? Who am I?! Yet she didn't have one answer to these questions.

The thoughts that kept her going was simple. To survive; the basic animal instinct, to find answers to her questions and a face. The face that had stayed even after her memory was wiped. It bought a smile to her face. The face with brown eyes and flaming red hair with freckles splashed across his nose and under his eyes. She did not remember exactly who he was or what he was to her. It just blew her mind that he - whoever he was - has been so close to her that his face was etched into her mind. She was eternally grateful to that. She just remembered bits and pieces of him.

She remembered his tinkling laugh and how his chest vibrated when he laughed. She remembered his goofy grin and his smile. He must laugh a lot, she had mused one day. She also remembered his immensely caring and sweet expression on his face. She remembered the way his brown eyes shined with mirth whenever he smirked. She remembered the warmth he gave and the way he played with her hair. She remembered a name which she was sure belonged to him.


She remembered Fred.

Even though, she was stuck in a forest alone with just her clothes and a sword without memories, she smiled in the moonlit forest.


Hey! Hope you all our safe and sound. I'm back with an update. Yeah, I know it is small but I think it is sort of sweet. But I swear I wrote a long chapter before this. And guess what happened? Long story short, it had a problem with saving the updates. I was like, Really?! I surprise myself by writing a chapter, sort of a good chapter and you tell me this?!

Okay, okay. Deep breath.

It was a chapter involving the last task of the Triwizard Tournament, obviously Cedric Diggory's death.

I sincerely hope you forgive me for the late update.

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