4.New family!

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September 1991, Platform nine and three quarters

Perci rushed to the train as she was late. Fortunately, she boarded the train. She was walking through the corridor to find the Weasleys. They had grown close last year. She even spent her Christmas at the Burrow where she was able to meet the others. Everyone in the family were fond of her. 'She was many things' as Mr Weasley stated. Whether it'd be about dragons or technology, she was the one you have to speak to. It was the best Christmas for everyone. They practically begged her to stay for summer but she had to go. She had to go to Yancy academy to get her muggle education (or more like to get kicked out). So, she went back to New York.

She regrets her decision. She had one heck of a summer! First off, she found out that her 'lost at sea' dad is Poseidon and her uncle Zeus who was such a Drama Queen had accused her of stealing his master bolt and she had to go on a quest to retrieve it. The only upside was she got a new family. She got two new best friends - Annabeth Chase a daughter of Athena and Grover Underwood a satyr. Though they weren't as close to her as the twins, she still did her best to keep them safe. She went to Camp Half-Blood which had become her second home and which had demigods, satyrs, pegasi and what not. The weird stuff didn't end there.

She still shuddered at the thought of her Mom disappearing into golden dust. Thankfully, everything was right after all the chaos.

She was brought out of her musings when she saw the twins in front of a compartment. Her pace fastened seeing her best friends in the whole world.

The twins were about to go see how their Ickle Ronnickins was doing. They were a bit disappointed and worried about not seeing Perci on the platform. However, seeing the legend Harry Potter distracted them from that but not completely. They planned to see their little brother and search for her. Even though they tease him, they care for him.

Fortunately, they spotted Perci approaching them. They hugged and greeted each other.

Harry was still wondering how it would've been if he had siblings when he heard someone talking outside the compartment. He saw two boys and a girl talking and laughing without a care in the world. He recognized the boys as the twins from earlier but the girl remained a mystery. He wasn't able to see her face but he noticed that her hair was midnight black and was very messy. He noticed that Ron was looking at them too but with recognition.

Perci felt someone looking at her which made her uncomfortable. She has always been at unease when being watched and the knowledge of monsters being real only made it worse. She turned to look a eleven year old boy with black hair and who looked strangely familiar and Ronald Weasley - the twins' younger brother. She smiled at Ron and he smiled back too.

"Awww Is Ickle Ronnickins-"

"-missing you Perce?" George and Fred teased their little brother having seen the whole exchange.

"Cut him some slack guys!" She said slightly hitting them on their arms but smiling nonetheless. She went inside the compartment to see Ron. Ron hugged her. Perci just laughed and returned the gesture.

"How you doing Ron? Somebody's getting big huh?" She asked ruffling his hair.

"I am good," he said swatting her hand away trying to look annoyed but he was actually very happy on the inside. He loved having an elder sister who helps him from the twins and did few enchantments on his robes and wand which made it look better than before (like it belonged to his great grandma).

Perci turned her attention to the other eleven year old in the compartment whom she had been observing through her peripheral vision. She saw that he was sad. She concluded that something was wrong in his family or he didn't have one.

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