7.Percy's biggest fear

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September 1993, Staff room

The fourth years rushed into the Defense Against the Dark Arts class after breakfast to see Professor Lupin smiling at them. Professor Lupin led everyone outside of the class. Everyone followed him out of curiosity.

Atlast, they arrived at the staff room. The staff room was empty except the chairs, tables, extra robes and a wardrobe was violently shaking.

Professor Lupin stopped in front of them. "Hello class! Today will be a practical class. Before we get started, a quick question - What is dark arts?" He asked the class still smiling.

A few people answered his question or more like spit out the definition in the book. After two or more answers, Professor Lupin was not satisfied. He picked out the hand which was in the back of the class.

"My opinion is that there is nothing like dark arts and white arts sir," This answer made Lupin look up at the person. Atlast, a different answer.

"And you are?" He asked clearly interested.

"Perci Jackson sir"

"Well Perci, what makes you think like that?"

"Well sir, what I said perfectly makes sense. For example, if we take a simple spell like Wingardium Leviosa we can make things levitate to entertain others and we can use the same to make somebody fall from a height which would obviously cause harm. So what I mean to say is that the good and bad things thar happens because of power only depends on the person who has it."

Lupin looked at the girl in front of him clearly startled by the wise words beyond her age. "That was very....wise, Perci. Fifty points to Gryffindor!"

Perci just smiled with a 'thank you' and started speaking with the twins beside her. Lupin started explaining about the boggart and made them ready just like he had done with the third years.

"So Perci, why don't you do it first?" Professor Lupin asked Perci. He wanted to see whether she can be as good as she speaks.

Perci walked over to the front, nervous and absolutely looking forward to it.

"So Perci, what is your fear?" Lupin asked.

"Uhh...I'd rather not say that Professor," she answered hesitantly.

"Difficulty in choosing your biggest fear Perci?" He asked remembering few students who had the same problem.

"I know my exact fear Professor but I don't think that I will be too happy about that." she pointed to the wardrobe. "showing that."

"Have you ever encountered a boggart, Perci?"

"Yes Professor, in America. Though I captured it before it could change it's shape."

"You have captured a boggart Perci?" Lupin was absolutely surprised but he kept his demeanor. This girl was not the person to mess with and he was curious to know her fear.

Perci flushed red, embarrassed. She just nodded.

"Then we shall start now!" He clapped his hands and moved to the side as the other students.

"Ready Perci?"

Perci took deep breaths calming herself the dread of seeing her fear growing. She nodded making her wand ready.

"3..2..1..GO!" Lupin said as red sparks shot from his wand that unlocked the wardrobe and let the boggart out.

The boggart that came out quickly changed into a girl with curly blonde hair and stormy grey eyes and tanned skin. She would have been beautiful if not for her pale skin and glazed lifeless eyes with a dagger sticking out from her heart. Gasps were heard around and everyone turned to Perci.

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