12. Battle Begins!

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May 1998, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Perci stood on the dias thinking about the plan. She had already explained that the daggers were just for their defense, only defense, strictly no offence. She had also checked with Fred whether ambrosia works on wizards or not. Thankfully, it worked. She had sighed in relief by then, she did not want more people dead on her watch.

Her clock chimed. It has been an hour. "Okay, people! This is it!" She announced.

She walked towards the giant doors of the hall and turned to the others. "Okay. You know the plan. Go by it. Alright?"

They nodded. The atmosphere was tense and filled with anxiety. But they were determined to protect their home, determined not to go down without a fight.

Perci nodded in approval. She reached towards her camp bead necklace and touched a particular bead. It was completely black in color with a sea green trident on its center. She pressed a discreet button on it. She was all of a sudden, covered in armour. It was made in a shiny bronze like metal. She had her breastplate, in lined with leather, on with protective gear for her hands. She also had a knee length boot made of the same metal. She also had a skirt made in leather with a coating of celestial bronze.

Everyone watched in awe too starstruck too speak.

Perci didn't pay one bit attention to it. She checked her armour expertly, making sure there were no chinks. She then took out her pen and wand. She had her wand on her left and her pen on her right.

All of a sudden, a monstrous roar shook everyone. It left people shuddering. Perci groaned as she facepalmed.

"Not him again!"


"The Minotaur."

"T-the...m-inoo-taur...?" Hermione stuttered.

"One of my very first monsters."

"Then how is he still alive? But then didn't Hercules kill him bazillion years ago?!"

"Monsters reform again and again in Tartarus. Chiron calls their species as archetypes. They don't have souls like us, so you can dispel them. It depends on your luck on when they reform. Well, you know my luck. I've killed him like five to six times."

She then turned and opened the doors with a wave of her hand. She walked straight towards the entrance with her head held high. Her gait was confident, it was something that made others stand back. Her long braid swished behind her, which she had braided in hall, in record time with one of the transparent hair ties she had on her wrist.

They filed out of the castle to face the army in front of them. The reality of the situation became more prominent. They were going to fight an army, an army which has full grown adults and monsters. The odds were not so in their favour. They just didn't know who Perci Jackson became on the battlefield.

"Ah, Persephone Jackson, I've heard about you. Persephone Jackson held the sky, survivor of Tartarus, had the Achilles curse and so on and so forth has come to surrender?" Voldemort spoke up with a snarl.

Perci promptly ignored him and turned to Kronos. "Did you not tell him about me, Kronos?"

Kronos smiled with malice at his granddaughther. "I did not expect no less from you, Persephone. I knew you won't go down without a fight. But are you going to fight me with these children?"

Perci smiled sweetly at him, too sweet. "I'm pleased, Kronos. But did you forget that a bunch of children defeated you in the first place?" She retorted, making him glare at her.

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