Chapter 23- Idle Woman

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"You came directly?!" I asked BO as he loosen his tie.

"Hmmm, where is Little Nerd?!" He asked.

I Sigh, "He is not well," I told him.

BO Frown "What happened, Why you didn't told me earlier. Where is he?" He fired the question.

"uncle Bo!!!" Kartik jump from his Dad's arm to Bo.

"What happened, Why his eyes are red" He asked patting Kartiks back as he hugged Bo.

"he has viral fever, and refuses to take medicine!" Neha total him.

BO stare at her for few seconds, before blinking.

"Hey, buddy listen,if you take medicine and be all fit and fine, I'll take you to car racing" as soon as he said that Kartik raise his head and stare at Bo.

"But I don't want to eat bitter medicine" Kartik said shaking his head negatively.

"Then how are you going to be a super hero"? Bo told him.

"come I'll make you your favorite soup" lifting Kartik he went inside the kitchen.

I felt bad for BO, he already looked tired from traveling, but Knowing that Kartik will only listen to him I couldn't do anything.

BO was currently making Kartik sleep after feed him soup and medicine.

karan was all quite, since Bo came,"what are you thinking?!" I asked him.

"That should be me" he said referring to How BO was with Kartik.

I understand that he was upset, "Kartik is more close to BO, even I get jealous sometimes" I told him.

He frown "Why??" He asked.

"Kartik have spent more time with BO then me, When he was born Bo was the only one he allowed to take him, and whenever I had lectures to attend I left Kartik with BO," I told him.

"There was time when Kartik needed Bo more then me, time like this when he use to get sick" I said.

"He is going to be great father" Kartik said.

"I know, I just wish that he find himself someone" I said.


"BO we thought you might be busy" I tried to reason he was angry for not informing him earlier.

"Ruhi you know Kartik needs me when he is sick, nothing is more important then him, what the hell is wrong with you" He was furious.

"BO.. You were nor even picking Mom's call" I argue.

"I had my reasons, for not picking her calls Ruhi and you know that!" He said in frustration.

"I  sorry BO but for how long are you going to do this?" I asked.

"I don't know, seriously I need Time." He rubbed his head

"Why don't you rest here for a while!" I said changing the subject he looked tried.

"No I'll get going, Neha did you pack?" He asked her.

"let her stay" I suggest she was getting comfortable staying with us.

"I am fine whatever she wants" He said looking at her. Neha stare at him and then her gaze turned to me.

"I'll go Ruhi," she said quietly.

BO got up picking his suit jacket. "Call me if Kartik asks for me ok!" He instructed. Giving me a kiss on head and node to Karan he went away.


I sat up straight in my bed, sleep was far away from my eyes, Getting out of Bed I went living room.

I stopped hearing a small voice of glass, It scared me but then I relaxed knowing that without ROHIT'S permission no one can enter his condo.

"You are still awake?!" Rohit question as soon as I reached near him.

He had his head drop behind resting on headrest, a bottle of beer in his hand.

I press my palm on his forehead "Why are you drinking?" I asked then felt stupid to do so, it was his house he can do anything.

"It feels great to be home, tell me Neha did you miss me?!" He asked suddenly.

I felt nervous to answer his questions, Truth is I did miss him, Every night he could call me making sure that I was okay.

He chuckle.. "So when Are you joining work again" He asked his questions caught me off guard.

"What??!" I asked confused.. "he gave me a look.

" You are not planning to hide inside house still you get old?!" He asked me.

When lines on my forehead further depend. He sigh.

"I want you to start working again Neha" he said

I fist my pajama cloth, my breath increased gulping down my throat already dry, Rohit stare at me.

"I.. It's been less than 3 years I had worked.... Be.. Beside.. Aditya.. Don't Li.. Like when.. I work!" I whisper.

He's jaw clenched "That abusive husband of your does not control you anymore... I have seen the passion in you to work." he said.

Look Neha, I had always adore woman's who work. My mother sister's I am extremely proud of them.

I want you to follow your dream live your passion.. Do you know who is my Idle?!" He asked I shook my head no.

"My big sister Myra di.. She handles business along with her house, kids. My brother in law is in navy half of the time he is away." He told me.

"She knows perfectly to balance work and home," He continued, there was so much pride and determination in his eyes while he spoke.

"Promise me that you are going to start working again!" He stare into my eyes.

I nodded quietly, because he was right as always what he said build a new hope and dream.

He smiled beautiful at me, "Can I ask you something?!" I said after sitting quietly for few minutes.

He nodded taking sips from his bottle.

"Why are you so against marriage,?" coming this question from surely did shock him but he chuckle making me frown.

"I am not against marriage, I just don't want to marry my mother choice or anyone else" He said looking at ceiling.

"Then find someone" I suggest.

"Love is not a fruit or vegetable we go shopping for, believe me Neha I have been  with so many girls but none made me stay."

"frankly speaking I am scared... Scared to commit.. There is this constant fear run in my mind that what if I fail, what if I could not able to build a relationship which my Dad and mom has, my uncle has.." he shook his head, gulping down the last reaming contain from the bottle.

" Anyone can tell that you are going to be a great partner "I said he was everything a girl needed in her life, early I use to think that he was a total spoil rich brat who loves to play with girls emotions, but now that I know him he was totally opposite.

" I know!" He winked." now now go to bed you it's very late," He got up and before I know it he's hand raised to my head and he ruffle my Hairs. As if I was he's pet dog.

By the time I register everything he was gone. I smiled hoping he find someone equally crazy like him.

Hi guys,

I know I have been gone for long time, but was really busy.

I'll try to complete the story soon.

enjoy the chapter
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