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Jimin hates when people chew food with their mouths open. And loudly.

The situation wasn't helping in any way when the female, who's currently sitting right in front of him, is doing that exact motion that's causing him to cringe mentally, and physically.

"Why's your head twitching like that?" The deep voice beside him asked curiously. It took Jimin a minute for his eyebrows to furrow deeply in concern as to why exactly he's being asked this exact question.

Are they blind? Or are they seriously okay with this happening?

There were some days where he allowed some people to get away with this tactic, almost like a first strike kind of thing, but he couldn't allow for it to happen when it was done by his twin sister.

Park Mina sat just as elegantly as he did at their lunch table, pretty hair cascading down in front of her shoulders that Jimin stopped himself from pushing over her shoulder from allowing it to fall into her lunch. Eyes with lashes resting on her cheeks as they glanced down on her bright phone screen, typing away with a potato chip propped between her, baby blue painted nails, small fingers, with pillowy glossed lips smacked open and closed.

   Park Jimin, on the other hand, had his pretty and fluffy hair resting on his head as his features twisted in cringe at the continuous munching his twin sister was doing, his eyes squinting in despise and his equal pillowy pink lips curling in distaste at his forbidden lunch box.

"Close your god damn mouth, Mina!"

"Quit watching my god damn mouth, Minie!"

"Okay!" The same voice that asked the question, and Jimin could've sworn that if Taehyung wasn't his best friend, he would drop him to the ground at this second, "let's just talk with our inside voices, rather than drawing the entire cafeterias attention to us.." Taehyung laughed nervously, piping down the energy that the set of twins were about to unleash.

It wasn't like they were the schools shadows, Jimin thought, they were pretty popular in their schools building as a matter of fact.

The pretty twin fairies was what some students described them to be, actually.

Jimin rolls his eyes lazily, throwing the older twin a warning glance before finishing the most he can of the contents inside his lunch box and tossing it into the waste bin.

Why did his rice suddenly taste displeasing?

"Anyways, you ready for the math test?" Jin asked out loud at their tables attention. Hoseok, Taehyung, and some of Mina's girl friends, all gagged at the question, as if they were on the brink of throwing themselves out the window.

Mrs. Lee was an evil person when it came to tests, you could go home being told that the test will two pages,and arrive the next day to a four page test packet on some units that they weren't properly introduced yet. Or didn't even have notes on.

That's what everyone at school saw the situation as, everyone except the Park twin duo, and Kim Namjoon, of course, where there would be nights that they didn't even study and rehearsed some equations with one another on the ride to school, taking turns for who drives the vehicle this time.

The twins grew up crazily intelligent, always on their natural A game when it came to pop quizzes, and major unit tests on a variety of subjects. Everyone was jealous, course, because not only were they smart, but they were pretty popular.

Popularity didn't really matter to them, it happened as naturally as their intelligence. I guess being twins was an almost rare thing to happen in their town, the prettiest twins, to be exact.

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