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    Jimin expected a lot of things.

He expected there to be music playing from the radio, the windows rolled down to allow the cooling breeze in, and even a somewhat of a decent conversation between him and the other. Like a icebreaker or something.

What he didn't expect was to sit in Jihoon's car, watching him buy weed off someone at their house and disappear inside for four-minutes.

The time ticked mentally inside his head as he twiddled with his fingers, boredom lingering as he waited a few more minutes.

"Come on.." Jimin whispers, propping his forehead against the cool glass. He can almost hear Jihoon tell him to not do that, since it would 'ruin the cars polishness'.

Whatever that meant.

Nothing really mattered when they could be at a restaurant, ten minutes ago, with the smells of extravagant food rather than illegal substances that were exchanged for a hefty amount of cash.

[taebear]: sooo how's the d8?

[hobissi]: is the food bomb??

[jinnie]: not as bomb as the sandwiches we made.

[yoonie] tea. btw change ur netflix recommendation list

Jimin allowed the smile to take over his once bored features, imagining how them three, now four, are lounging around in his bedroom with sandwiches and whatever other snacks are involved, all while netflix plays in the background. His thumbs hovered over the keys, wanting to respond but Jimin then looks around himself.

How exactly would he explain that he's been waiting in a car for almost ten minutes while his date is inside some random persons house buying weed?

Plus, he's not a liar. Well, to his friends.

[jimin]: update. jihoon is buying weed and it's been 10 mins since ive been waiting in the car

[hobissi]: ur KIDDING

[taebear]: aye, ask if he can hook me up lowkey

[jimin]: no!!!

[yoonie]: oh my god im calling the police

[jinnie]: wbk. im putting my combat boots on as we speak

The sight of a figure catches Jimin's attention, looking away from his comedian friends bubbled texts to see Jihoon making way towards him. So giving them an improper goodbye, Jimin shoves his phone back inside his bag and sits, hearing the door pull open to allow Jihoon to slip in.

And with a stench.

"Sorry, sorry." Jihoon apologizes, throwing whatever he had buried under his jean jacket into the backseat, shoving it inside a unnoticed gym bag.

Just a bunch of surprises tonight huh?

"I just had to pick up something."

Jimin mutely listens, wiggling his button nose every now and then as the vehicle is pulled back into motion, going down the street into the faint darkness of the sky. The weed smell is disturbing, since it's not something he's normally around or fond of. For Taehyung, on the other hand–

"You're not mad at me, are you?" Jimin looks at Jihoon, stopping himself from the snort that he wanted to unleash at Jihoon's dramatic pout he wore while looking ahead, "Did I mention how pretty you look?" He smirked.

Ah, Jimin's a sucker for praises.

"No, I'm not mad. I will be if I don't get food though," Jimin taunts, then smiles, "and thank you."

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