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Jimin woke up feeling refreshed. Along with the feeling of arms circling around his middle from behind. Like a sense of déjà vu, he wants to assume it's Mina, but the chin resting on the top of his head tells him it's either someone else he knew or if she just grew a handful of more inches.

"Morning, Tae." Jimin yawns, stretching.

Behind him, Taehyung grumbles in his fake slumber, releasing Jimin and feels his body turn to face the opposite direction but kept their legs tangled. The warmth radiating both from Taehyung and the blanket brought comfort to Jimin, curling himself into a snug ball.

"Don't talk to me. I hate you right now." The deep voice grunted, tiredly. Like a sharp needle poking his cheek, Jimin's instincts wake as soon as yesterdays events come back to him.

Taehyung jumps, startled at how fast Jimin grabbed hold of his face to examine carefully. Jimin instantly finds the bluish-purple spot under his defined jaw, saddening in contrast to Taehyung's bored looking expression.

"What the hell happened?" Jimin puts space between them, laying back in his spot. Taehyung turns back around to face him, yawning before speaking.

Jimin isn't surprised how carefree his best friend really is. It's not like he's sporting a lemon sized bruise or anything.

Hence the dripping sarcasm.

"I don't know how much Jin-hyung told you,"

"A good amount." Jimin checks the time on his phone. 12:38 PM. He didn't expect to sleep in so late.

Taehyung ties his two hands together and props them under his head, creating a brown halo onto the white pillow with his hair. "The school was celebrating their win while everyone else was leaving. And out of no where Yoongi yells and falls down hitting his head against the basketball cart," Jimin pictures everything he says, listening intently, "and Namjoon hyung asked the first person he saw from the other team and got him to confess it was the captain and co-captains idea. I knew what number jerseys they were so I ran out and found one of them before he got on the bus and boom!" Jimin jumps, the smack of Taehyung's fist colliding into his palm startles him.

"He threw a good punch at first, but one hit and he was on the ground. His stupid Choi friend helped him up and dragged him on the bus. Couldn't even throw a good punch on him too since Kook held me back." He finished, ending with Jimin smacking his arm.

"Idiot! Why do you get yourself into these kinds of things?!" Taehyung's intimidating look almost matches his personality. He has soft spots for his friends of course, which is why he took everything to the heart whenever someone says or does something to either of them.

"I'm fine," He grinned, flashing a cocky smile before it instantly dropped into a straight, serious, line, "so who the hell you going on a whole ass date with TODAY?"

"Jihoon." Jimin grinned, fingers interlocking together. He felt like jelly. Taehyung showed no emotion.

"Okay? I don't remember signing a permission form that allows my soulmate to freely go out like that?" Jimin giggles, sighing dreamily.

"He's really nice, Tae. We talked for a long time yesterday and have been texting. He's hot as hell!"

Taehyung blinks. "Yeah, no. Where's the permission form?" Jimin decides to chip in his own fun. It's unfair how much he's being teased.

"I think I'm gonna have to revoke your soulmate-slash-best friend card for not filling me in about you and Yoongi-hyung, huh?" Taehyung snorts at the end, throwing his gaze up to the ceiling. This subject is particularly something that'll keep the pot stirring for the time being from Jimin's situation.

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