Code Red

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    There day started normally. Everything was just like any other day. Their classes were just as boring as normal. Stevonnie was sitting and talking to Maria, nothing out of the ordinary, until an all to familiar noise interrupted their conversation. It was the unmistakable sound of a laser charging.
"EVERYONE; GET DOWN!" Stevonnie bellowed as they summoned their shield.
"We have to make the shield bigger!"
"I'm trying!"
"I don't think I will be able to help, but I will try"
With them both trying all they could, they managed to force the shield even bigger, protecting the full cafeteria. The laser struck, and the roof collapsed. As soon as the other students fled, Stevonnie dropped the shield and a gem disembarked from the warship that had blasted them. The gem was white, and they almost seemed to glide across the floor.
"What kind of gem is that?"
"I don't know. It looks like a topaz but they are yellow, not white"
"You don't think White is behind this do you?"
"No no, she is on our side now"
As the gem slid closer, slowly students began to creep back to see what was going on.
The gem pulled out her weapon; it was a mace. Stevonnie pulled out two shields. They paced in a large circle before suddenly the gem rushed in, striking at Stevonnie. They skillfully blocked and bashed the gem with their other shield, but she countered with a strike to their arm, not missing a beat. The gem went for a strike to their side, but Stevonnie leaped out of the way. Throwing one shield behind them and relinquishing the other, Stevonnie swapped their shields for bubble boxing gloves and, pushing off of their shield, slammed her into the ground. The impact left a crater, but the gem was unfazed. Coming in for a strike to the neck, Stevonnie swiftly threw up their bubble to block it, before popping it, pushing back the gem.
"We're outmatched and don't have my sword, or any backup. We have to crack their gem Steven, it's the only way we will make it out alive!"
"No! We, we'll find another way!"
The gem came at them again, and they dodged backwards and came in with a punch. The gem then landed a blow to their shoulder. The gem came in with another strike, and Stevonnie raised their arm to block, but the gem easily knocked away their arm. Glancing down, they saw a huge gash on their shoulder where she hit them, and a smaller wound where they had taken a blow earlier. They could barely move their arm.
"We have to crack her gem, it's our only hope!"
"But if I crack a gem, what makes me any better than the way the other Diamonds were?"
"They wanted to crack those gems. You are only doing it out of necessity! But you have to crack her gem; NOW!"
They threw their shield which struck the gem. As the shield disappeared, the crack it made was revealed. The gem was still standing, but the yellow spreading across her form betrayed her, she was close to poofed. One good punch later the gem poofed away.

Stevonnie ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now