Kairos (Ki-ros)

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Kairos....it may sound strange at first. That's okay, its not english. This word comes from Greek origin and means the right or opportune moment. You're probably wondering why I'm using a strange Greek word in my story about God and faith. Well, its actually very relatable. God comes to us in "Kairos moments". Now you think I'm really crazy, right? Well, if you know me on a personal level, yes.

Anyway, Kairos moments can happen anytime. It's basically when God is telling you to do something. Sometimes, I get that feeling in the pit of my stomach and this urge to do something. Yeah, you guys know what I'm taking about. A lot of the time, that's God speaking to you.

It could be something really simple like wearing your old sweatshirt instead of your brand new, super cute, over priced North Face jacket. Or maybe its standing up for that kid that gets bullied at school. God is telling us to show Him in these moments.

There are 3 simple steps to Kairos. 1) Hear, 2) Respond, 3) Share.

Hear. You hear things externally every single day and you probably hear your annoying conscious reading this to you. But, do you ever stop to hear little things, like birds chirping, or the wind rustling the leaves? Sometimes, we treat God like one of the little things we pass by. When we feel a Kairos, we have to recognize it and grab onto it. We can't just ignore the very person who put us on this Earth, right? Once you hear Kairos, you have to respond to it.

Responding might just be the hardest part of a Kairos moment. That's when you need to take action. God is telling you to do something here. It might be world changing, it may not. But it's amazing to think that God is using you to spread his word and be a light for him. This part kind of goes back to last chapter, when I said that you should do what you think God is telling you to do.

Sharing may not seem that important. But it's just as important as hearing and responding. You need to go and share what God has done in your life. Your story is a part of God's story. Don't be afraid to show people what you've been through and what God has done for you.

Kairos isn't something that should be overlooked. God wants to tell you something almost everyday. He wants to have your attention. Kairos will feel a little different every time. That's what makes it so exciting. Its like putting emotions into talking....it comes out a little different every time.

If you don't hear a Kairos moment at first, its okay. God will just try again. So, remember... Hear, respond, and share. Your story is a part of God's story.

~Author's note~

I can't believe that I have five whole reads! Thanks to all my readers!! If you feel a Kairos right now to share my story, DON'T IGNORE IT. Haha, just kidding....not really. This chapter was a little harder to write than I thought it would be, but I hope it turned out okay and that you guys like it. :)

Proverbs 13:20 NIV- Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.

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