Making a Difference

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You know, lots of people influence this world and society. Sometimes, it's the cheer captain or the latest celebrity or even that new kid at school. Some people appear to have more of an influence than others. A lot of times, I feel like I can't make a difference....I mean, there's one of me and lots of them. How could I have an impact? Well, allow me to give you peace of mind, by saying that YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! God gives you the strength and wisdom you need to make it through any situation.

I have a friend who gave her life to God at a youth retreat recently. She had a tough family life and it was absolutely amazing to watch her life transform. Later that week, she passed out, and when she woke up, most of her memory was gone. One of those memories was giving her life to God. Satan was trying to work on her and drag her down. I'm still waiting to see if God will reach out and pull her up.

Most of you are probably thinking "well, then why should I trust God if He didn't help her?" This is a good, reasonable question. Why would God leave us when the Devil is at his worst? Well, the answer is simple....he doesn't. Sometimes, God just takes a backseat in our toughest times. You can make it through the hard times.

You need to tell people about how God has helped you and worked in your life. It may sound easy, but putting it into practice is difficult. If you go up to a complete stranger and say "God changed my life by....", 1) they'll probably look at you like your crazy, 2) you probably did that very easily. Now go up to your friends and say that.....not as easy, right? Usually, people are afraid of getting judged or losing popularity. Sometimes the hard decision is the right decision.

My advice to you is to do what you think God is telling you to do, no matter how small it might seem. Don't be ignorant toward God. Most of the time, God's voice will come to you in your thoughts, with your voice. So, go! Share God's news! You might just chance somebody's life and start a ripple effect. Even a simple smile and "how are you?" could make the difference in someone's life. I've said it once and I'll say it again...YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! God will use you to show his love, and it feels really good to know that He can use an ordinary person like you and me. God does it in the bible too. He chose Noah above everyone else to build the ark. He used Jonah to go change the lives of hundreds of people. Sometimes, though, you don't have to go to a hilltop and shout "GOD LOVES YOU!!!". You could just as easily start that ripple effect I mentioned earlier.

~Author's note~

Hello!! So, I got the idea to write this story one night in my room. Here's the first chapter! I was hoping that it would be longer, but I don't think this bad for my first wattpad chapter ever. I hope you guys find this book uplifting and that it helps you know God, whether you're trying to know him more or make his acquaintance. And, expect a Bible verse at the end of each chapter!! :)

Mark 16:15 NIV- He said to them, " Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creations".

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