God's Plan For You

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You're probably questioning the picture. Well, allow me to explain that that is God's plan for you. You're probably asking yourself "What do dots have to do with God's plan for me?".

Well, God is flexible when it comes to His plan for our lives. He gives us a start point and an end point, and the rest is ours to create. Now, that doesn't mean that God just wants us to go waste our lives on things we don't need.

I guess His plan for us is kind of like a map. You have point A and point B, and multiple ways to get from point A to point B.

Now, I don't know if your going to be a millionaire or a ditch digger. But God knows everything that will happen to us. He even knew that Judas would betray His only son, not only once, but three times.

In Jeremiah 29:11, God says that He knows the plans He has for us, plans to give us hope and a future.

If we're struggling, God won't just abandon us. He has a good future planned for us. Later, in Jeremiah 29:12, He says " Then you will call on me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you".

This shows hope and promise, and it comes straight from God. What better promise for a good future?

God has an entire place planned for us when we die. Who could ask for more than that? God truly loves you. He's not just going to leave you to fend for yourself and go through life without him.

Chances are really good that he knew you were going to read this story. You can choose whatever road you want on that map, but God knows which is the best for you. He's like you GPS. He'll get you to where you're going, the fastest way possible.

~Author's note~

Hello!! So, I know it's a really short chapter, but I was having a little trouble finding something to write about. I'm hoping to have a really solid next chapter. I'm thinking Love vs. Lust. Yes? No? What do you think? Anyway, thanks for the 29 reads!! Love you guys! 

Ecclesiastes 11:5 NIV- As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.

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