Destiny's shape

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well... this one contained a lot - and I mean a lot of random headcanons that came to me at work.
just a reminder: things that you consider canon in this story, can be canon and not. It depends on the perspective you look at them from.
I may add a magic reveal at some point. Maybe multiple different ones. After all - everything can change :)

And of course – after all that has occurred up until now – we must finally – finally introduce the protagonist of this story. After two whole chapters all he did was sleep up until now. Let's wake him for once.
A great welcome to our good friend:

"MERLIN!" You could hear Arthur's shouting over the entire battlefield.
Somehow, it seemed it was always his first instinct to make sure Merlin was okay, no matter where they went. Whom they fought ... etc. He always shouted his name first. (Priorities, am I right?)

Merlin heard him, as he as well, always made sure to know where Arthur was. But you know that already. Otherwise you wouldn't be here now, would you?
Destiny, indeed, seemed to be a very unstable thing. Which was why it was crucial for Merlin to keep to himself to hide his secrets. And yet, if Merlin had known – well – let's just say he would have spend a lot less energy on trying to hide.

Arthur had thrown over a sword that he had taken from one of the bandits he had struck down. Merlin somehow managed to catch it and he defended himself as though his life depended on it.
Which it kind of did, didn't it?
Merlin could – if he managed to do so without being caught – let branches fall on bandits. He could make them trip. But he could not fully defend himself with his magic. Without it – he barely managed.
That - he needed the sword for. Strange how he had chosen to protect the one person that made him vulnerable.

"HA! Knights of Camelot!", another voice suddenly roared from up the hill.
It was a man in strange armor. He was old, older than Arthur at least. Younger than Agravaine, though. His hair was brown but short and it lightened on his head in a slight bold spot. The silver of his armor was rusty and it bended strangely on the shoulders.
He bore the crest of Cendred's kingdom. But it was a crest so outdated, you would only recognize it, if you had studied them by heart. (Or maybe to fake someone's identity, to make sure he could become a royal knight of Camelot.)

"You think you could defeat me? Me, Lord Hemming?"

"I literally never heard of you!", Arthur deadpanned.

"Neither have I of you. You stupid boy. Who did you say you are?". He held up his hands and soon the bandits backed away. Ready to fight again like a bunch of koyotes on a hunt, but obedient like little dogs.

"I'm Sir Arthur, king of Camelot.", Arthur bowed mockingly.

"Is supposed to frighten me?", the man laughed, but then – then you could see his mind working. Like wheels were turning in his head. As he recognized that name. "Did you say King of Camelot? As in – the once and future king – Arthur Pendragon of Camelot?"

Oh damn, here we go again, Arthur thought, sighing as he was about to confirm just that.

He was interrupted though.

"You mean, this man next to you is -", he backed away. Visibly flinched in fright.

"You must be Emrys!", the man said, causing Arthur and a few of the knights (Sir Leon and Sir Percival) to turn to Merlin in irritation. Because the man was staring at him, obviously.
Merlin's eyes widened, as he stepped back as well. Subconsciously of course. "What – what are you talking about?", he asked, shocked and in fear and more.

Was this really happening?
This was it? Wasn't it! His secret was out. Arthur was going to kill him. No wait, the man didn't clarify who Emrys was, so unless Merlin would act like a totally stupid coward, he could just lie -

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