The switch

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It had been a normal day for Morgana Pendragon. Okay maybe her day was a bit surreal. Screw that – he day went absolutely weird.

Since Merlin had confessed his magic to her, she had felt so much more at ease.
How nice it was to have someone in the castle who could relate to her struggles.
At some point, when Arthur knighted the druid boy Mordred, suddenly they were three.

And of course, how could she forget – the new religion was created.
Morgana, Merlin and Mordred had made fun of it at first. As they had heard at least four different versions how Lancelot died. Did I mention Lancelot was allowed as a guest to their meetings?
They made fun of the fact that all Magic users of the Prophecy started with M. Maybe Gwaine had thought M= Magic, so obviously they had to be the main protagonists. And Arthur only had a role since he became king.
And it was nice to make fun of him sometimes.

But the first time they had heard Gwaine's version of Merlin being Emrys, Merlin had paled. And stared at Morgana. And then he told her everything.
Everything the dragon told him. Her role in the prophecy, Mordred's role. EVERYTHING.

It had been a long night. Filled with fear and doubts and confusion. Apparently Merlin had tried to change the future quite a couple of times before and he had failed every time.
Never had she seen Merlin so worried. So – afraid.

All that happened not so long ago. Just before Arthur was suddenly forced to bring magic back to this realm.
It was Morgana's idea to tell him then. Well – Merlin wasn't ready just yet, but he promised to at least vauge for her in front of Arthur.
She confessed to him her magic. Arthur had been shocked at first, disbelieving. But when she showed him what she was capable of by letting Mordred's sword fly through the air, Arthur seemed to shrink on his throne.

"I mean no harm to Camelot! You know me! My dreams, you know I have nightmares! Those are visions. I have no control over them. Not yet anyway.", she was shivering now. At least Arthur was listening. With wide eyes of course. But he hasn't condemned her yet. Uther wouldn't hesitate. But Uther was dead. Morgouse had succeeded to kill him.
No one had seen the priestess ever since.

"I have tried, Arthur!", Morgana pleaded now. But Merlin put his hand on her shoulder, smiling softly at her as he tried to calm her down.

"Arthur, please. What Morgana says is true. She had no choice in the matter. Magic had choosen her. She was not corrupted by it. You MUST give her a chance. I beg of you.", Merlin said. Morgana shot him a grateful smile. Even though she knew he must be struggling with himself.
She knew a part of him was still doubting her.
She could see why. However, it would be cruel to blame him for that.
He's been living with all this fear for years now. And it was his greatest fear to make Arthur feel betrayed.

Arthur already looked as though he wanted to punch a wall of something.
"And how can you be so sure about that?", he threw his hands up in his face, waiting to be attacked by Morgana.
"Because -", Merlin turned to the guards in the room. All of them were still, but they eyed Morgana suspiciously. They were putting her in a very delicate and vulnerable spot. She was at the verge of tears. And Morgana didn't cry easily.

"Sire, I too have magic.", Mordred kneeled down now. "You might even remember me. We have met before. You saved my life when I was a child. I am the druid boy you helped escape."

Arthur stood up now, obviously surprised.

"You – too...", he said, turning his back on them as he tried to contain how overwhelmed he was.

"Wait ....", he stopped as he turned around again. Sighing in defeat.
"And let me guess, you -", he pointed at Merlin who flinched now. "You must be Emrys then.", he said, waiting for Merlin to nod.

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