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To say Morgana was scared was like implying to a child that Fire might hurt.
Morgana was terrified. Horrified even, for the lack of a better word.
Merlin was attacking her. Blatantly – with magic. Right in front of Arthur and the knights.
Sure, yeah. Just a small while ago they had confessed their magic to Arthur. But that idiot thought it was a joke!

He needed a court sorcerer because he feared a rebellion.
Arthur was still scared of magic. And Merlin's behavior was NOT helping.

"Surrender, Morgana. Or we will kill you.", Arthur demanded, slowly coming to his senses. Why did he look more frightened of her than Merlin?

"Yes. Of course. Please – I surrender!", she cried, eyes wide with fear.
"Don't listen to her, Arthur. She is playing with your mind. Use the sword from the stone. That is the only blade that can kill a high priestess of the old religion.", Merlin demanded, surprisingly uncertain when he faced his king.

"High priestess? I'm not a priestess, I am Arthur's sister. Uther's ward! This – you were making me court sorceress only an hour ago! I went into the cave and-"

"Shut up with your lies, Morgana. Arthur made me his court sorcerer, because the people wouldn't accept anyone else. Especially not you!", Merlin interrupted her, eyes fierce, but he waited for Arthur's command.
Arthur, on the other hand looked torn between them.

"Merlin, why are you doing this? We're friends! You helped me get Mordred to the druids, you helped me understand my magic. You -"
"I poisoned you.", Merlin's eyes flickered with shame and guilt, causing Arthur to point his sword between them.

"Seize them, already!", he demanded, causing the knights to approach carefully.

Morgana shivered as she looked at Merlin.
"Why would you say that?", she asked with a deep exhaling breath. "You would never do something like that. I KNOW you, Merlin. You're a good person. You wouldn't. Never -"

At that, Merlin's hand sank a little. Confusion mirrored in his eyes as well as Morgana's.
"You mean – you don't remember?", Merlin asked exasperated.
"That can't be – why -"

At that he already felt cold chains closed on his hands. Merlin looked up in surprise, but a glance at Arthur already told him all he needed to know.
With Morgana like this – Arthur's blatant ignorance and confusion – of course he must believe he was an impostor. An enemy.

Morgana didn't move as ropes were tightened around her hands. Her eyes were wide with fear, her lips were trembling.
"Where is Mordred? He will vouch for me, I'm certain!", she demanded, eyes switching between faces erratically.
Merlin flinched at the implication as he almost charged at her again.
"You will not ally yourself with Mordred! I sent him off! He won't – I won't let him kill Arthur!", he roared, causing the witnesses to gasp.

"Merlin, what the hell are you saying! Mordred is a knight of Camelot! He swore his allegiance to me! He would never turn against me.", Arthur said, still unsure whom to point his sword at.
He didn't know what it was – but something told him that Morgana was not playing this.
Morgana was hungry with power. She was full of revenge fantasies. And her chances to play the innocent maiden were long gone.
Had she lost her memory? But why was she in the cave?

"Actually, we are not so sure about that."
It was Morgana who spoke to him, a pleading look in her eyes. Merlin stared at her in confusion.
"Mordred is destined to kill you. We are doing everything we can to stop him from doing that. But destiny is a fickle thing. We don't know how it will happen, we just know that it will.
But I didn't turn an evil witch just yet so -"
Then her eyes widened. She blinked a few times.

"Unless you think I did?" Her head turned around to find familiar faces.
Someone who would confirm or deny her theory.

"We will talk of this when we are back in Camelot.", Arthur finally decided, motioning for his men to escort Merlin and Morgana.
Neither of which fought against their ropes. Despite them being obviously powerful enough to escape.

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