Brother (Chapter 5)

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    Wei Ying got up from his bed nearly falling, he was dizzy. His whole body felt like rocks. Before nearly falling Lan Xichen caught him breaking his fall with his arm. “Young master Wei are you alright do you need to see a doctor?” Xichen asked still holding onto Wei Ying. “No I'm fine” Wei said helping himself stand up straight. Wei walked out of the room leaving the brothers in his room. Wei Ying stepped out of the room and onto the bridge over a small stream to get some fresh air and to listen to the beautiful sounds the stream produced. 

    Lan Zhan got up and put his Guqin away and began to start walking to where Wei was until Xichen stopped him. “Wangji you need to be careful” Lan XIchen said. Lan Zhan tried to get out of his brothers grip but his brother was to strong for him. “Not of him but of his mental health” Xichen added before letting wangji go. “I wont hurt him” Wangji said before walking out of Weis room. 
    Wei was calmly sat at the edge of the stream tossing rocks hoping they would skip but he never got it right. Wei had to stop and think because he is now alive but everyone hates him, everyone wants him dead. He got up and went into the city, he wanted to leave everything behind and start new but with his face that would never happen. He kept walking over the stone path looking up at the lights off the buildings. It was calming, nothing could go wrong he thought. 

    Lan Zhan spent hours searching for Wei Ying. He was going crazy, why can't he find him? Wangji ran into the forest, it was beautiful and calming. He found a small dirt path. The birds were chirping and flying around. Wangji could only think of Wei ying. "Wei Wuxian!" Wangjis head snapped up. He quickly ran towards where the sound came from. He was running for a long time until he could see someone on the ground. A purple light, Jiang Wanyin. "Jiang Cheng I can explain" Wei stuttered, he crawled back trying his best to get as far back as possible. "Jiang Wanyin!" Wangji yelled running towards Wei helping him up. "So you knew he was back?" Wanyin said. He was angry, his glare was sharp and could kill. "Yes I knew and I'm glad he is back!" Wangi yelled, he couldn't stand Wanyin. He is disrespectful and has no manners. "You're glad?" Wanyin stuttered. His was whip cracking as he closed his fist, his fist turned bright red nearly drawing blood. "You killed everyone I ever loved" Wanyin said slowly lowering his head to hide his tears. "You think I could forgive you after everything you've done?" Wanyin added before running towards him. Lan Wangji unsheathed his sword and blocked Wanyjn from striking Wei Ying. Wanyin was being reckless, he was no match for Lan Wangji especially when he was filled with so much hatred. Wei closed his eyes and started playing his flute in order pull both back before one gets hurt. The black energy flowed around him almost immediately obeying his every command. The music he played was beautiful but could make anyone tear up. The black energy flowed around Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng. Jiang Chengs head snapped toward Wei. He swiftly unsheathed his sword and ran towards Wei Ying. Wei knew he would try to attack him and he knew be couldnt let him kill him. Weis opened his eyes looking right into Jiang Chengs. Wei changed the music to a dark and ear piercing melody. The dark energy flowed around him and around Wanyin. It pushed wanyin to the ground, he hated losing. Wei stopped playing and collapsed to his knee. He used a lot of his spiritual power. "I won't let you kill me or Lan Zhan Jiang Cheng" Wei said sternly. Wei was angry that Jiang Cheng lashed out at Lan Zhan for no reason at all. "I wish you were still dead!" Wanyin yelled glaring deep into Weis eyes almost making him break. Wei was used to being told that so it hardly bothered him but when Jiang Cheng said it, it truly hurt him. His own brother wanted him dead for something he didn't do. "I didn't ask to be brought back!" Wei yelled tears falling to the ground. He didn't wanna be brought back but of course everyone thought of the Yilling Patriarch before anyone else. Jiang Cheng was shocked he didn't expect to feel pain in his heart. He didn't know why he felt bad. He should be fighting him but he couldn't bring himself to hurt him.

         Wei couldn't handle the pain anymore. He was sick of Jiang Cheng hating him when he did nothing wrong. Wei marched up to Jaing cheng grabbing him by his collar. Tears falling down his face. "I didn't do anything wrong I did everything for you!" Wei screamed. Jiang Cheng fell back in shock. "I-I didn't" Jiang Cheng stuttered. "All I did was for you!" Wei fell on to the dirt path. "I never meant to kill anyone!" Weis hand fell from Jiang Chengs shirt to his side. Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand to comfort Wei but Lan Zhan stopped him. "You have no right to touch him" Lan Zhan said putting Weis arm on his shoulder helping him up. "Were leaving" 

"I'm sorry"

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