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'Day Off' is just not at all in Shawn's vocabulary. No matter how hard he tries, he always manages to bring his work home with him. You know what you signed up for, dating a complete workaholic and it's probably one of your favorite things about him. Watching him work at the small kitchen counter was probably one of the most charming things you've ever seen. The way his brows furrow and the little huffs of frustration he'd make when something just wasn't going right. He was just so damn cute! A concept that he'd fight over with you often, preferring the words handsome or rugged. But no, he was cute, adorable even.

The renovation and addition to the cafe meant that there were a lot more of those nights. There was never much speaking or cuddling then, but you didn't mind. You'd bring some work of your own, and take up your spot curled up in one corner of the couch and work along with him. And maybe it was selfish on his part, but he enjoyed having you around, even if you were just silently reading a book in the corner of the window seat. It was comforting having you at his place.

It'd been nearly two hours of the two of them sitting in silence, aside from a few frustrating huffs from Shawn. You had settled yourself into your usual spot on the couch wrapped in a blanket, trying to get your way through grading some undergrad papers. But watching Shawn was far more interesting. You couldn't help but stare at him, a smirk permanently on your face as you watched him grumble over the papers laid out in front of him. It was a cat and mouse game, you would play sometimes. See who could catch the other staring first. You were winning but eventually, he caught you.

"Can I help you?" He smirked looking over his shoulder. His tone was playful, but the tension in his shoulders hadn't left.

"Nope." you return the smirk, eyes going back to your work.

Shawn's gaze lingers on you a few seconds, before turning back to his work. You could tell he wasn't as engaged in what he'd been doing as before, and figured it'd only be about five minutes before he gave up on work altogether and went over to you for a cuddle.

It took three.

He pulled himself away from the counter and over to the couch. You repositioning yourself to allow Shawn to rest his head on your chest. Throwing the papers you'd been grading to the side, you bring your arms around Shawn holding him close. You can feel the tension leave his shoulders almost immediately, as you card your fingers through his hair.

"You okay?" you ask into his hair. He doesn't say anything for a moment, just buries himself further into you letting out a deep sigh. You know it's only a matter of time before he lets it all out. See, unlike you, Shawn was a talker. If something was on his mind all he needed was a little prompting and he'd spill everything in a heartbeat. Sometimes felt like a bit of a nuisance, complaining to you sometimes over the smallest things, but you were such an amazing listener it always seemed to make Shawn feel better.

"Yeah. Just a bit stressed out with the cafe stuff." he huffs.

"What happened?"

You loved hearing him talk about his work. Even if things were going down to shit, you could tell Shawn was passionate about it and you loved it.

You let him vent about it for a few moments, allowing him to get everything off his chest. The issues with the contractors, Brian messing up the orders. Again. The brunette in the Lululemon pants that was just 'absolutely horrible' earlier that day. And the more he talked the more you could feel the tension fall from his shoulders.

"It'll all work out babe. When the expansion is done it's going to be great." you smile down at him giving him a peck on the nose.

"I hope so." He nuzzled back into her, letting out a contented sigh before reaching for the remote on the table flipping through the channels until he landed on Jeopardy. You weren't much of a fan but it was a guilty pleasure of Shawn's. You used to poke fun at him for it, but now you play along with him. You laid there for most of the show, Shawn giving his commentary whenever one of the contestants would give a 'shit answer'.

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