Please, Honey.

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Dating Shawn for as long as you have, you've gotten pretty good at reading one another, you better than him. He didn't make it too difficult for you, every emotion constantly etched on his face and his heart on his sleeve. And lately, he'd been more stressed than usual with a permanent scowl on his face, and constant huffs every time his phone rang. He tried to put on a brave face for you, and you tried not to pry. To let him come to you when he was ready to talk about whatever it was that was bothering him, but you there was only so much of his pouting that you could take before you gave in.

"Shawn?" you ask lifting your head up from his chest. You were tucked under his arm, cuddled up in his side, attempting to watch a movie, but both of your minds were elsewhere. He was drawing mindless pattern up and down your arms, willing himself to focus but he just couldn't. The sound of your voice snapped him out of whatever daze he'd been in.

"I'm fine," he mumbled, already knowing where things were headed.

"Are you sure about that?" you ask softly, rubbing circles on his stomach. It was something that you learned calmed him down when he was getting worked up.

He takes a moment biting the inside of his cheek. You think he's going to protests some more, insist that he's perfectly content but instead, he looks down at you with those doe eyes you love so much, "Actually, can we - can we play?"

That was the last thing you'd expected. It had been a while since you and Shawn had done that thing that you do. You'd had sex over the last week of course, but it was nothing more than slow lazy morning sex, or before bed lazy sex. It was lovely, of course, it was always good with Shawn. But you hadn't ...played in what felt like ages. And the prospect of finally being able to indulge made your cheeks heat up.

"Like now?" you say in a near whisper, the slightest smile on your face. You were excited, you were finally going to have Shawn the way you'd been craving for days.

"Please." He nods, bringing a hand up to caress your cheek, drawing smooth circles into the skin with his thumb.

"Yeah, yeah - we can."

His eyes darken, and a smirk graced his lips the moment the words leave your lips. "Go to the room and strip. I'll be there in a minute." he leans in for a kiss and it's deep and slow. You get lost in it for a moment until he pulls away, biting his lip. "Go on." He rasps, with a tap to your ass, instructing you to make your way to the bedroom and you do.

As soon as you round the corner, you dash into the bedroom, quickly tugging down your shorts and panties, and pulling your shirt over your head. You should be embarrassed by how eager you were, but it'd been so long since you'd gotten to have Shawn in this way and you just couldn't hide your excitement. You position yourself in the center of the bed, completely bare of all of your clothes, waiting for him. It doesn't take long before he walks into the room, slowly a smirk on his lips. He situates himself at the end of the bed.

"Knees, baby." You knee-walk your way down the bed, crawling onto the floor in front of you on your knees, and the way you're looking up at him, eyes all big and innocent and waiting, it drives him wild. "Remind me of the rules please."

You go over the rules again like always, reciting your colors and signals, and he praises you with a 'good girl' and your already feeling yourself get to that floaty place that makes you feel tingly all over.

You stay there kneeling, waiting for instructions when he tugs down the sweats already hanging low on his hips, along with his Calvins. He takes himself in his hand pumping a few times letting out a relieved sigh.

"Open." He demanded, and you obliged, scooting closer to him placing your hands on his thighs and opening wide, "Suck." without hesitation, you wrap your lips around him and begin bobbing your head, taking him as far as you can, working the rest of him with your hand. You're rewarded with Shawn's moans of praise, and a caress of your cheek.

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