A Pain I Have Never Felt Before

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Diana and Gilbert had chosen to accompany Anne while she went to see Matthew, leaving Ruby and the rest of the teens at the boarding house.

"Do you suppose everything will be alright?" Ruby asked worriedly. She had wanted to come along to make sure everything was okay as well, but Anne said she didn't want everyone to worry and to stay there. Of course Anne couldn't prevent her bosom friend Diana or Gilbert from coming along though, they were simply to persistent.

Jane Andrews replied, "I hope so... Matthew is a strong man though, right? I'm sure everything will turn out okay."

Moody rested a comforting hand on Ruby's shoulder, "Yeah, plus Gilbert is a doctor, I'm sure he'll be able to nurse him back to health."

Ruby smiled and nodded, but on the inside, the feeling that something was terribly wrong slowly ate away at her heart.


"Anne!" Marilla gasped as Anne entered Roy's small home, "Oh my dearest Anne! How I've missed you!" The older woman wrapped her adoptive daughter in a hug so loving it didn't even matter that they weren't related by blood, for they were related by heart.

"Marilla! Is everything alright? What happened?" Anne asked when they'd pulled away from their embrace.

Before Marilla could answer, Roy Gardner said, "Your Matthew fellow collapsed at my door step the other day, asking for you two," he gestured to Marilla and Anne, "I rushed him to bed as quick as I could and sent for Marilla, once she got here and we realized how bad he was getting, I sent off to find you, Anne."

Gilbert stepped in, "Why didn't you call for a doctor? Doctor Ward works around here, you must know that."

"Why of course I know that, I'm not dense!"

Gilbert scoffed, "I never said you were..."

"He's currently out of town, on vacation with some of his family." Roy said, ignoring Gilbert.

Anne turned to Roy, and she was struck again by how attractive he was, "May I see him? Where is he?"

"Be my guest, here follow me. I've put him in my guest bedroom."

Anne, Diana, Gilbert, and Marilla all followed Roy down a narrow hall and into a small room lit only with a small oil lamp.

Anne covered her mouth with her freckled hands and it back a sob as she layed eyes on Matthew.

His eyes were closed, and ragged breaths were coming every few seconds from his chapped lips. Matthews forehead was slick with sweat, and his face was paper white.

"Matthew..." Anne sobbed, holding his weak hand, Marilla came up from where she stood by a solemn Diana, and clasped her well worked palm over Matthew and Anne's.

He stirred and opened his eyes, blinking a few times before registering where he was, and who was with him.

"Anne! My sweet Anne, I came to fetch you! The letter-," he let out a ragged cough, his whole body convulsing painfully with it.

"Matthew, I knew you shouldn't have gone to get her!" Marilla cried.

"What letter?" Anne asked, whipping the tears from her face.

"Ka'kwet... " Matthew whispered.

Her heart shattered, "No no no Matthew, you know we could never save her! It's much to dangerous. Why didn't you just send me the letter? You know how dangerous travel during this time of year is!" Anne scolded.

He shook his head, "I thought we had a chance again Anne, I thought..."

Anne squeezed his hand, "Oh Matthew you have no idea how much I wish everyday there was something that we could do! But you shouldn't have put your life in danger like this!"

"I know... And I'm so sorry Anne...Marilla."

Marilla had begun to tear up, "We're here Matthew, it'll be alright."

Matthew smiled weakly and closed his eyes, drifting off into a fever filled sleep.

Anne stood up and fell into Diana's arms. They began to cry into each others shoulders. It was visible by the look of the old man that whatever had come over him was deathly dangerous.

"May I give him a look? In private?" Gilbert asked Marilla quietly.

She nodded, but didn't sat anything.

When Gilbert had finished inspecting the sleeping Matthew, Roy urged everyone into his living room to relax, and have a cup of tea.

"His fever is very bad..." Was all Gilbert said as he came to sit next to Anne and Marilla. Anne noticed the dark circles under his bloodshot eyes, and knew that he'd been crying in private as well. That fact only worsened Anne's worry for Matthew, for Gilbert didn't cry often, and when he did it was only under truly pressing matters.

Roy came out from the kitchen. He had given them all privacy whilst they gathered their thoughts.

"If it's any help I don't mind at all about him staying here as long as need be." He said.

Marilla shook her head, "No no, that won't be needed, thank you. We will take the train home tomorrow, it'll be better for him to get the fresh air of the country anyway."

Gilbert bobbed his head in agreement, country air did indeed help the sick, "I'm able to stay for a few more days as well, so I'll be able to check in on him until I need to go. If that's alright that is."

Marilla smiled sadly, "Of course Gilbert, you're always welcome at Green Gables."

Diana said, "I suppose since you'll be staying with Matthew until he's better I can bring you your school work as well Anne, that way you don't have to miss any of your studies."

Anne smiled, "That would be wonderful Diana, thank you."

They all slept there that night. 

By midnight Anne had given up at trying to rest. She had a creeping fear that things may not end well.

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