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On the way back from the quarry, everybody stayed silent. It was a comfortable silence, yet there was this one question lingering in the back of everybody's minds. It was bothering Richie the most, considering he would be the most affected by a negative answer. Because of this, he couldn't stand the unknown anymore and asked
''Hey guys? D-Do you think we'll remember eachother after we leave Derry?'' The worry in his voice was very clear.

''No, we won't. Pennywise is dead, so Derry isn't cursed anymore. No more memory haze and no more twisted truths. Everything is back to the way it should be.'' Mike said and looked at Richie with a comforting smile, and it helped. Richie was more relaxed now that he had the answer. He didn't want to forget the losers, because everything seemed to make sense when he was around them. Everything seemed to make sense to everybody when they were in eachothers company, because losers stick together. That's the way it's always been.

''Guys, I'm exhausted. I think I'll go back to the hotel now. Are you guys still here tomorrow or do you have somewhere to go?'' Bev asked, indeed sounding very worn out. They all were, it has been one hell of a week for all of them.

''I'm probably going to leave tomorrow. I would love to stay but I have responsibilities and a wife whom I don't want to worry anymore. She alreay freaked out when I left because I didn't explain anything.'' Bill said, and looks at Beverly apologetically.

''Yeah same here, though I'm probably going to leave today. I have some...things I have to take care of at home and it's definetely not going to be pleasant. My wife is going to kill me if I stay any longer.'' Eddie said, looking a bit sad. He knew he was returning home to a furious Myra after a week and the next day he had to confront her about that divorce. It definetely wasn't going to be pleasant and he definetely was not looking forward to it.

''What the fuck guys. Here you are complaining about relationships and you leave me wondering what I've been doing all my life!'' Richie said, making everybody laugh.

''Don't worry Rich, you'll find that special someone one of these days. You just gotta stay optimistic.'' Beverly said, letting out another chuckle. But see that was the problem, he had already found that special someone long ago.

''Richie? Who in their right minds would ever marry that trashmouth?'' Eddie laughed at his own statement. Those words weren't that harsh, Richie was used to people treating him badly. The words coming out of Eddie's mouth were a different story, because that hurt. A lot.

''Well who did you marry? You ended up marrying your damn mother. I'd rather be single forever than to marry my mom, I mean how do you even survive that big foot?'' Eddie was now glaring very harshly at Richie. It seemed like this was a topic that made Eddie uncomfortable, because he knew exactly how much truth was behind it.

''Richie I swear to god-''

''GIRLS, girls, please, enough with the arguing already!'' Beverly interrupted Eddie, rolling her eyes. Both Eddie and Richie mumbled the words ''Yeah whatever.'', their voices sounding defeated while they did so. After a few seconds, Eddie's expression turned from annoyed, to worried and he asked ''Do you think we'll see eachother again?''

''Of course we will dumbass! I ain't livin my life knowing I'll never see any of you fucking losers again!'' Richie's wording sounded rough, it almost always did. The losers have already accepted that a very long time ago, which is why the didn't care about it that much. They knew that they were the family that Richie never had and that Richie loved them more than anything.

Eventually, the losers broke into a big group hug, filling themselves with the warmth radiating from each and every one of them and they knew, this was what home felt like. After a few seconds, Eddie pulled away and said ''Okay losers, I gotta get going.'' He gave all of the others a warm smile, confirming this wasn't the last time they saw eachother.

They all exchanged numbers and went their seperate ways, well, almost all of them. It turned out that Richie and Eddie were staying at the same hotel.

''What, you following me to make sure I don't end up banging your mom in my hotelroom? Awe no worries Eds, I'm not a huge fan of doing that in hotels anyways.''

''Shut up Richie! I have a room here too you know? Don't act like my entire universe evolves around you.'' Eddie said, rolling his eyes. He may have grown into an adult, but he still had the same attitude and features he had as a child: The freckles (oh how Richie loved those freckles), the perfectly combed hair, the angelic sparkle in his big deer eyes and his heavenly smile that would make all the butterflies flap their light wings against Richie's stomach. Everything seemed perfect about Eddie Kaspbrak, not a single flaw on the heaven-sent man.

''Hey Richie?'' Richie was torn from his daydream as Eddie was looking a bit uneasy at the door of his hotelroom.
''Huh? Oh, yeah, what's up?'' Eddie took in a deep breath and turned around to look Richie in the eyes.
''Thanks man. If it weren't for you, I'd be rotting away somewhere in the undergrouds of Derry right now.'' The thought of lying on the filthy ground of those tunnels, rotting away and being all by himself terrified and disgusted Eddie. He owed Richie his life, and he couldn't be more grateful.
''Oi it ain't a problem bud. Couldn't let ma best mate die 'ight?'' Richie said, attempting an australian accent. He was nervous, because he knew he would have to go back to California which was on the complete opposite side of New York, where Eddie lived.

''Hey, come here man!'' Eddie stood there with his arms wide open, inviting Richie into a warm hug. Richie accepted the offer and embraced Eddie, making him overflow with euphoria. Eddie felt familiar, he felt safe and most importantly: He felt like home. The home Richie has been longing for since elementary school. He didn't want to let go, but he had to, so he pulled away.

''Alright Rich, see ya soon.'' Eddie said and gave Richie a comforting smile. A smile that made Richie think that things maybe weren't so bad after all.
''Yeah you too, I'll have fun with your mom in the meantime.'' Eddie just rolled his eyes and started unlocking his door.
''Whatever, asshole.'' Eddie said, smiling to himself and walked into his hotelroom.

Richie was laft standing in the hallway, all by himself. After a few seconds he started unlocking his door as well and entered his room. As he packed his bag, about to leave Derry, he thought about how he, even after 27 years, hadn't managed to confess his little secret to his dearest friends.

(3rd person) IT chapter two REDDIE ending 💖Where stories live. Discover now