thank you

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hey everybody

you probably saw this coming...i guess i kinda did as well.
first of all, i want to thank you all for reading and commenting on my story, you literally don't know how much it means to me 🥺 second of all, i am ashamed to say that i have become the very thing that i myself despise so much: an author who doesn't finish a story and leaves the readers unsatisfied:/

i'm am so terribly sorry and i need to apologize to all of you. i know you started reading this story for the same reason i started writing it: you wanted a happy ending where richie and eddie end up together.
i'll have to be honest with you, i wouldn't really consider myself a part of the fandom anymore. of course i still enjoy the movies and mixtape is still one of my favorite books ever, but i guess i kinda lost interst in It a while ago. don't get me wrong, i would love for richie and eddie to have a happy ending, but i don't think i'm the one who can provide you with one.

so this is where i would like to officially end the story. i won't delete it considering people still enjoy reading it and i wouldn't want to take that away from them, but i won't continue it. i say that with 99% certainty, because who knows, one day i might just find the motivation to continue this story :)

until then, i hope all of you are staying safe and healthy and somehow manage a way to get through this terrible year <3

see you :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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(3rd person) IT chapter two REDDIE ending 💖Where stories live. Discover now