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"Mami please, I don't want to go please don't do this to me" she begged her stepmother who was full of hatred towards her, she was kneeling down begging but the woman in front of her never seemed pleased

"Ke! Kinga don't waste my time wallahi, ki karasa tattara kayan kin and move out the taxi is waiting kina jina??" She half yelled at the poor girl in front of her with disgust in her voice

"Okay mami" Yasmin nodded out of options, she never think her Mami's hatred can lead to this, sending her as a maid to EL-FARUQs' house is something she never saw coming,

how about her studies??...

How about her dreams of becoming a doctor?..

She felt unloved, she hates her life but never loose faith in Allah, she looks down at he fingers as tears continue to rush down her cheeks, she has never felt loved since baba has passed away, she felt lonely, how can life be this harsh on a girl of 19 years?? How?? She thought...

"Ehhey!" Mami said sarcastically before stepping out of the room.

Yasmin looked over her small room, her small half broken bed, her wardrobe, her praying mat, that was all she have in her room,she finally stood up and pack her clothes, that was the only option she had, tears never stop rushing down her face, when she's done packing, she walked to her bathroom and make ablution, coming out of the bathroom she looked once again at her room, memories of her baba rushed in her mind, she dragged her legs out along with her bag which have some of her clothes, phone ,books, inners, toothpaste&brush, and some of the things she will need, she stopped just few steps away from her mami, she squatted down with her head low

" Mami please at least let me say goodbye to Layla please mami..."

"Can you shut up ehh? And let me remind you, this should be the last time I'm seeing you in my house okay? Wallahi Fatima if I see you again sai na halaka ki shegiya yar jaraba" that was few of the words she's used to it, mami never let a day pass without saying such words to her, she got used to it but whenever she heard it it freshly pain her poor heart, she always asks her self why did mami hates her this much. And now she won't let her see her little sister too.

" zaki tashi ki barmin gida ko sai na ragargazaki" mami yelled which make her shivered before taking her bag and half run to the taxi in front of their small house she always love to her heart, she looked at the house for the 10ths time before getting into the car. Her tears never happened to stop.


Yasmin looked at the huge familiar building in front of her, yeah it's familiar because she passes by it sometimes, she held her bag tight before whispering some du'as, she's very nervous, is she really living here all her life as a maid?

What of her babahs' dream of becoming a doctor?

What of her dreams?

Is that what we call justice? Just because you're poor so you can't dream?

What a wonderful world, she thought..

she submitted her problems to Allah who she believes will sooth everything and moved on, the house was quite huge and beautiful, she was standing just in her track when the gate got opened and a perfection019 drove out, the gateman and the securities busy greeting their heads low, the car was well tinted and the windows weren't low, the person inside most be a member of this house, She shook her head, how could people be this bragging and full of themselves, the car passes just inches away from her, she walked to one of the securities after salam she showed him the card mami gave her and told her to show it to the security, he nods and guided her into the house, actually it was like a dream to her, the house was 100times better inside, the green grasses , waterfall, interlocks, just everything was shouting 'money'. The security took her inside the main parlor to where the mistress is seated, she was a very beautiful lady in her fifties, she's very fear in complexion and has a very dark hair that's is well covered with a veil, Yasmin liked her for the first time she saw her, the security walk further into the big parlor as she patiently waited, he said some few words to the woman and she nodded, he then welcomed her and walked out, Yasmin kept her luggage aside and walk to where her mistress was, she squatted few inches away from her and greeted, the woman whose attention was on the television turned just to meet the most gorgeous girl in front of her, the girl in front of her is breathtakingly beautiful, cute omg, she smiled softly looking at Yasmin with so much adoration, Yasmin was quite nervous for she doesn't know weather or not her mistress will like her, it's not like she cares but she's someone that doesn't like problems at all, insha Allah khair. She prayed.
"I would like to know your name beautiful girl" the mistress says softly, Yasmin felt something she haven't felt ever since baba passed away, she felt happy, those words she lacked from mami, words she missed hearing, she miss baba so much, he was her mentor, her supporter and her everything
"Sorry have I said something wrong? Why are you crying??" The mistress asks with so much care and confusion, She never knows she was crying, she quickly wipe away her tears and looked up at her mistress before looking away again
"I..I.am.. very..sorry mistress, my name is Fatima Abdulrahman , but I'm called Yasmin" she said her head low, the mistress was quite for a while trying to figure out something, she really liked this girl and wanted her to work for her, since she has no maid in her part because she doesn't trust them and kindof wanted to do her chores her self but this one, she love Yasmin and she'll like her to stay.
"It's okay Yasmin, I know you're pretty tired so go take your bath and eat something and  meet me later at the night okay?" Yasmin nodded now she's not crying
"Maryamu!" The mistress called
"Yes ma'am" she rushed out of nowhere to where they are.
"Take Yasmin to her room, not the maids side okay? The single room here in my side, I'll like her to stay here" she finished her statement with much excitement
"Sure ma'am" Maryamu nodded respectfully and Yasmin thanked the mistress before following her, not forgetting her luggage , she unlocked the room as they reached
"Here's your room Yasmin, nice to have you" Maryamu smiled softly at her, she nodded and smiled back, Maryamu walked away , she walk into her new room with a Salaam, it was not that big compared to that huge parlor but it's still not small, average, just perfect for her, the paints were white, as well as the floor,the wardrobe and the POP as well, the bedsheets, carpet and some deem lights were purple, the room was just like heaven to her, she shot the door after her ,she packed her clothes in the wardrobe and kept her pic with baba on her side drawer, she walked to the door she guessed was the bathroom, it was also white and purple, she took her bath, brush her teeth and make ablution before walking out, she sprayed the praying mat and prayed her ٓDhuhr, she did nawafil before walking out to get something to eat, the house is very huge omg, and finding the kitchen is gonna be some how dramatic...

Hello sweethearts
I know the first chapter is somehow boring but believe me the second will be better, so stay tuned.
This is actually not the first book I've written on wattpad , I published some but then unpublished it for some reasons, and I hope I'm not unpublishing😜 this one too. So vote please...🙏🏻
I really want to thank my dearest friends for the encouragement❤️ thank you amushZ❤️❤️ I love you 😘❤️and thank you all for reading

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