~❤️❄️Beautiful ending❄️❤️~3️⃣0️⃣

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"C'mon baby, lets go" Umar called

"I'm almost done Umar, Sabr, sabr!" She said and he laughed

She finished and walked out, he smiled looking at how beautiful his wife looks, he holds her hands and kissed her forehead before leading them outside

Umar laid his head on her laps as they watch the sun sets.

"Halu can you see that bat" she pointed at the sky and he nodded

"It remind me of someone" she said

"Who?" He asked looking at her

"You, it resembles you" she said laughing and he frowned

"That's soo not cool, you will pay for that" he said sarcastically and she laughed

She kept laughing which she knows will piss him off

"Baby mama is that our baby that's making us laugh this much" he teased in revenge laughing too

She frowned folding her legs and avoiding him

"That's not funny, ehe" she said sarcastically rolling her eyes

"I was thinking weather we are going to have them twins or triplets this time around" he pretended thinking owning a punch in his arm by her

"Aww that's a very good one" he said laughing, he hugged her tight as she tried to free herself

"I was kidding baby" he whispered in her ears soothingly

"Well that was uncool Mr Umar El-Farouk" she said, mark the sarcasm

"What's uncool about this? Is it because we are together having much children?" He pouted

"Change the topic Umar" she sarcastically said and he nodded

"Right away baby" he said kissing her neck

He suffered calming her down, women are really very complicated. He thought

 He thought

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Latter that day* #night#

"Baby" he whispered making a face, she laughed softly shrugging her shoulders

"Mami!!!" Haajarah came in running

"Why are you shouting? Here I am!" Yasmin demanded

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