He shook his head in disappointment, there's no way he trust a female, they are all deceivers, he off the television he was watching out of frustration, how stupid that person who got killed by his wife was. He thought, how can he trust her? Now if you ask him he'll say 'I trusted her because I love her' men are always the victims of this, how stupid. He thought, just then a woman came in with a mug of coffee, he never missed her warm smile, she's the only woman he'll ever trust, the only one he can count on, how he love his mother....
"what are you thinking of babana?" She cut him off of his thoughts, passing him the mug, he gently collected it, patting his side so she could sit down, she did just that
"I just saw in the TV a woman killed her husband just because she wanted his wealth, you see mum? I've told you women are always after something you have not you" he cleared sipping his coffee, mum shook her head in disbelieve, she knows her son and his nonstop nagging about women.
"Babana not all women are the same ko ba hakaba, this news is very unfortunate but I don't want you blaming all women for what a woman does" she sighed, he kept the mug he was holding aside and took a hold of her hand
"I'm sooo sorry but that's the fact, mama just look at Hussein mana, his wife betrayed him and..."
" but at least she gave him that beautiful baby girl ai, and at least his mother has a grandchild ai" she said with a pain in her voice, she knows this is the not the first time they are having such conversations but she still insisted, she wanted her son to settle down and form his family, she soo much wanted to see her grandchildren
"Mama are we back to that conversation again, I've told you not to worry everything will be alright" he softly caressed her cheeks, trying to lighten up the mood, he hate seeing her tears or even seeing her sad, he love his mother, more than anything else
"Alright fa kace Umarii, when will that time come?? Tell me? Sai bayan ni da mahaifinka mun bar duniyan ko? Haka kake so right?!" she didn't raise her voice but he can feel how desperate she is
"Habaa mama, when have I said that uhm? Why are you worrying your self this much ehh? Now show me a big smile, I promise you I will do just as you said" she kept quiet for a while trying to figure out whether or not he's telling the truth
"I swear mama" he added chuckling, she sighed and smiled softly before standing on her feet
"I so much hope so" she said and walked away.
He really have to do something about this, but he can't force his self into a relationship or life he's not ready to form, he finally stood up , carry his phone and car keys before walking out of his room.
He get into his favorite car, perfection019 a gift from mama for his 27nth birthday
The gateman opened the gate for him as the securities greet him, he never cared to answer their greetings which he regards as waste of time..
immediately the gate got opened, his eyes laid on her, he choked right on his saliva, he stopped the car a little looking more at this human being in front of him, she looked towards the car and her eyes catches his, he looked away quickly but couldn't stop him self from looking, he looked at her once more, for a while he thought she was looking at him until he realized that the glass was tinted, he sighed in relief...

Romance~QADAR~ ^She puts her IMAAN in Allah, she believes that one day everything will be fixed, she knows that Allah never burden a soul more than it can bares,as she always says " Allah is the king of my heart"....❤️ ^He has everything, just everything...