....announced his🙈❤️1️⃣3️⃣

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The moment I walked into mamis parlor, Layla rushed into me, I hugged her and we walked to mami who was in the kitchen

"Wato laylatuu you can't let mami rest ko? Ita ke dafa abunci ashe?" I glared at Layla who pouted looking at mami

"Hmm this lazy girl yaushe zan jira ta dafa min abun kirki" mami said, we both laughed at Layla, I greeted mami and asked her to rest while I finish the food but she refused

"You are the one that needs to rest dai, ke da kikayi tafiya, go and wait for the lunch" she said

We both walked to the parlor and I gave Layla her presents, it was a beautiful shoe which mama bought it for her and a tanked top that I bought it for her

I know you guys are wondering where's Umar, well Umar is here in my heart 'lol'

Umar had to go to Maiduguri for some work, he asked me what do I want him to bring for me, I said nothing of course, mama listed thousands of bakhoor type that she wanted him to bring for her, she's so obsessed with incense woods, it's because she's from Maiduguri, both her parents were from Maiduguri she Mets Alhaji at university of kaduna as she told me

He told me that he's spending about a week there , and he promised immediately he's back, he'll inform Alhaji about US as he said, I begged him to not but he insisted, he said he can't wait for me to be announced his🙈

The day passed in a blur, and finally I'm on my bed, I'll be spending 2 to three days here with mami, I missed them

My phone rang and without seeing, I knew who was calling, I picked up instantly, his mesmerizing voice sending daggers into my body

"Yakike" he greeted

"Lafiya alhamdulillah" I answered as always

"How's mami and Layla?" He asked

"They are fine too" I myself loved the way I was talking, my voice changes itself whenever we're talking, oh Umar

"I want to personally come and greet mami as her son in-law-to-be" he said with a low tune

"Uhm-uhm Umar, not now please" I muttered

"Why??" He asked, I know he's not astonished because that was always my answer whenever we talk about this

"Well...mami will tease me, tho I know she'll be happy for us" I whispered, he laughed softly, I love it when he did that

"Is that the case?" He asked

"Uhm" I said

"Then you don't have to worry, I'll handle the case" he said softly

"Lahh what are you going to do?! Please don't call mami" I begged , he laughed again

"Karki damu, yanzu fadamin, kinyi missing na?" He asked teasingly

"Uhm-uhm" I shook my head, he laughed

"Dagaske??!" He asked chuckling

"Uhm" I replied

"Ko kadan??!" He teased again, I kept quiet

"Silence means yes fa, kenan kinyi?" He said

"Uhm" I muttered closing my face

"Ehh? What did you just mutter?" He teases

"Sai da safe" I said and quickly end the call, not missing his laughter

I hugged my pillow to my heart, I also can't wait to replace this pillow with Umar, but I don't know what is stopping me from saying yes...


Seconds changed to hours and hours changed to days, mama insisted on I go back home but mami said I should stay more, it's been 4 days since I came here and mami can't be happier

Umar told me that he'll be coming tomorrow and he was still insisting to tell Alhaji, I didn't say anything about it, not again, all I want is to be with Umar, and I decided on praying istikhara, to know whether Umar is the best for me or not, and I soo much hope he is.

Later that night, around 2:00 o'clock, I prayed two raka'as and did my istikhara, if Umar is destined to be mine, let him be as soon as possible, if he's not then don't let my heart shatters ya Allah

He walks into my bedroom, he was putting on a white jallabiya that suites him so much, I was on my bed , with my white lingerie dress, he walks gently to where I was sitting , he bends and kisses my forehead before sitting down beside me

"Yasmin...I promise I'll be there whenever you need anything, I will never let go of your hand, I will hold your hands, we will walk, and run together as far as Jannah is our destination, yes , I, you , and our future family, I will love you like no one has, I'll hug you everytime and remind you that I love you, Yasmin say yes to me and insha Allah you will never ever regret your decision, I want you, I badly need you in my life, I need you to change me into a human being, not the horror I am, I need you to bring smile on my face, I need you to love me,hug me, kiss me, and cuddle with me every day in my time left, I love you Yasmin, more than words can ever describe, please say yes to me, say yes and insha Allah I'll instantly make you mine bi'iznillah, please Yasmin" he said holding my hands, I gently nodded my head, tears rushing down my cheeks

"Yes Umar, I promise to follow yours steps, as far as Jannah is our destination, yes Umar, we'll walk and run together, you , me and our future family insha Allah, I love you too Umar" I said wiping away my tears, he smiled and gave me a hug I'll die to have daily, I hugged him back

"You made the right decision Yasmin, don't ever change your mind please, please Yasmin" he said softly

"YASMIN!!!!" Ya ilahi! I quickly rose up from my pillow and looked at Layla that was busy yelling my name

"Why the hell are you shouting!" I snapped at her

"Tun dazu nake ta faman tada ki, you freak me out, I thought something happened to you, wa'iyazubillah" she said her hands on her chest, I smiled and hugged her

"I'm fine, kinyi sallah?" I asked her

"Ehh nayi, do yours and let's move to the kitchen" she said sitting on the bed, I nodded and walked to my bathroom, with a big smile plastered on my face

And finally!!

I've got the answer!!!

I can't wait to see you!!!!


Salaam 👋
Hope you enjoyed 😊

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