28. starstruck

637 19 14

Your POV:
Richie had just called asking to meet him at the library. I agree I didn't have much to do anyways.
The walk wasn't that far but the snow was terrible, correction horrible. I quickly ran inside, seeking warmth.

"Hey you made it." Richie smiled, it was really dorky and cute smile.

"Of course I did, what's soo important?" I  asked.

"I need some opinions ,"

"Why me exactly?"

"Well your the person I think is the most honest."

"What does that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing- I mean not the others are liars I just trust you more—" He rambles blushing

"Don't sweat I just playing around. Go for it."

"Okay if a person kissed you first and they were the same gender, does that mean you like the same gender?"

"No, I mean you could but people can love in different ways."

"So you can like both genders?"

"Yes, it all depends on how you feel,"

"Okay... also I really needed to talk about Mike,"

"What about him?"

"He's been trying to get me to tell him..." He whispers.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean he started asking where I'm going."

"Okay and...?"

"He's been listening in on our phone calls."

"Okay that's a breach of privacy." I say concerned.

"I know right,"

"He didn't see my letter right?" I asked.


"It's just Mike is curious, don't leave your shit around you don't want him to see." I lied, did he even see my letter?

"Thanks for the tip," He chuckles.

"No problem you can pay me by walking me home," I smirked.

"Deal." He smiles. I pick up a snowball and throw it at him.

"Oh really?" He laughs.

"Yeah," He picks up some snows and I start running. He follows after me, he grabs my hand and end up slipping. Now I'm top of him, we stay like this for a bit, staring into each other's eyes. Richie smirks and pulls my jacket collar down. Our lips smash into each other's, the kiss turned into a full on make out session, I mean Richie was inches away from giving me a hickey.

"HEY GET A ROOM!!!" A old lady yells because we were on her lawn. We giggle and start running away. When were far enough, we start walking hand in hand.

"So what is this?" He asks.

"A secret relationship, I don't want things to be weird with Mike,"

"Yeah, yeah, good call."

"This is my stop," I say arriving at my house.

"Okay see around y/n." He says walking to his house. Now I'm just staring at him, did he just leave me star struck? Oh hell, no or maybe hell yes.

WC: I literally have a million things going on rn, I have an interview tomorrow at a really good high school and a bunch of shit happened last night. Soo if there is slow updates I'm super sorry.


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