iii. To Dream Or Not To Dream

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nine lives
chapter three.

(content warning: description of dissociation)

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(content warning: description of dissociation)

AGNES FELT LIKE SHE WAS FLYING. Just for the tiniest second, her body felt completely weightless, levitating above the ground like her body and the air around her were the same. Just for a second, then she dropped to the ground.

She let out a grunt, her limbs aching due to the harsh impact with the floor.

"Up. Look up," the Doctor's voice echoed through her head and before she could react, she was pulled upwards by two strong hands.

"It's not the time to sleep," the Doctor teased her, before rushing off again.

Agnes nodded confused, looking around with furrowed brows. It was hard for her brain to sort where they were now, her mind still foggy. Amy struggled to her feet, she had landed next to Agnes and judging by her frantically looking around the girl knew she felt just as disoriented as her.

"Are you okay?" River's voice sounded from behind them.

Agnes wanted to shake her head, because somehow despite knowing she should be okay there was something starting to really bug her about this dream.

"What happened?" Amy asked.

Agnes looked to Amy, before letting her eyes shift to the other people of the group, who were struggling to lift themselves from the ground and regain their balance after this short 'trip'.

"We jumped," River reminded her.

"Jumped where?" the redhead asked with a frown painted across her features.

"Up. Up. Look up," The Doctor urged them, pushing past them as he hurried through the group of people, trying to draw everyone's attention to what he was saying.

Agnes followed his instructions, leaning back as she let her eyes wander up to the ceiling, or rather the ground. The ground they had been standing on just a few moments prior.

Right, Agnes thought, they had jumped.

"Where are we?" Amy asked again, looking up, just like the Doctor had told her, but still not understanding.

"Exactly where we were," River answered.

"No, we're not."

Yes, they were. They were just where they were before, just 20 feet up higher in the air, hanging from the ceiling, like bats.

The Doctor came up behind them, telling Agnes and Amy to move their feet. When they did so, Agnes stumbled backwards, her legs still wobbly. The Doctor kneeled down and started sonicing a circular hatch in the floor, around it six lamps, the only source of light they had.

Agnes closed her eyes, trying to shake off the feeling of dizziness that had accompanied her since she had found herself in the darkness. She had not minded it in the beginning, since that's how dreams felt like. Now, though, it made her anxious.

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