Weeping angels

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Rohit, Farran, and Azari went through an old stone door leading to a huge cavern.The ground covered in thick green grass, which led across to a tunnel that led deeper into the cave system.

"Clear!" Rohit shouted back into the other room where rowan is comforting liska,stroking her fur and holding her close then the two of them came into the other room with liska in tow walking carefully.

"Are you sure you're okay with continuing,Liska?" Farran asked sceptical.The Earth guardian turned to him,her eyes shimmered with fear.

"Y-yeah. I'll uh... I'll be alright." Liska stammered. She turned a bewildered eye to Rohit holding the now glowing talisman.

"Why's it doing that?" Liska asked, one of her tails giving a flick. "

"There’s danger nearby."Rohit warned. He drew his sword and flashed a ferocious look before him.

Then Azari spotted a head of a statue and part of her arms with the rest of the statue underground which had hands covering her face looking like it was crying.

"There's nothing her except for a crying statue." Azari told them., Rohit dropped his sword which clattered when it hit the ground and slowly turned his head to where Azari stood.

"Azari step away!"

Just then the statue lurched towards Azari. She shrieked as the statue grabbed her ankle with a stone cold hand."

"Keep looking at it don’t even BLINK!" Rohit warned,wrapping his arm around Azari.

"What is it".

"There's a weeping angel just beneath our feet. Azari can you get your foot out?"

"I'll try".

Together, Azari and Rohit attempted to pull her ankle free.

"We need a little help here!" Rohit beckoned. Farran took a hold of Azari's other side, while Rowan and Liska each wrapped a foreleg around the three elves."

They pulled with all their might, and after the fifth pull Azari’s foot came looseout of the grip and they tumbled down into the tunnel.

"What was that." Rowan asked.Detangling himself from the heap they all landed in. Rohit continued to look up at the chamber they had just fallen from.

"That was a weeping angel." Rohit said, turning back towards the guardians and their elves. "They may look like ordinary statues, but are in fact as old as the universe itself."

"The weeping angel we saw just now was in its disguised form. If you were to have blinked Azari, you would have seen something far, far more horrifying than just a statue."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Azari asked with her arms crossed.

"Let's simply say you would have been transported to the past in order for it to feed off of your potential life force."

"How exactly do you know this?" Liska asked, still trying to process everything.

"I've encountered them before. Thankfully the one that grabbed Azari was starving so it couldn't move as fast."

"Well, at least it was just one." Azari shivered, grabbing up her hammer.

"Don't be so sure of that Azari." Farran said. He warily pointed down the tunnel to rows upon rows of weeping angels, all blankly staring at the newcomers." "

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