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  kit's woken up to three loud taps on her window. she tenses and turns her head to look out her window. she gets butterflies in her tummy when she realizes it's caleb. jumping out of bed she rushes over to the window, unlocking it. caleb climbs through quick. "you're drunk, is everything okay? is this about your dad again?" kit's quiet as she asks her questions. she knows how caleb can get when drunk.
"no, bunny! just wanted to see my favorite girl is all. couldn't stand to be away from you for so long." caleb gets tingles up his back from his own lies. he knows he's sick. "do you need something? water to help sober you up? this is the fourth time you've come over drunk this week." her face is blank, she's annoyed. "kit, i didn't come here to start a fight, s' wanted to see you is all." he moves closer to her.
  "i'll be back, just take your shoes off and lay down, please?" caleb slides his shoes off and plops down onto her bed. he's irritated at her, he came here to fuck not to talk about his "bad" habits. he looks over at the door as it creeks back open, kit walks in with a large glass of water and two ibuprofen. "take this for me? please?" her voice is small and frail. rolling his eyes he sits up and grabs the ibuprofen, swallowing the pills dry.
"just one sip, come on caleb it's 2:00 in the morning. i'm tired and we both need sleep. you're going to have a killer hangover in the morning." mumbling something he sits up and takes the smallest sip of water she's ever seen. pleased, she crawls into bed with him. he buries his head into her neck and starts to place small kisses under her ear. kit sighs quietly, this is all he wanted to do lately. if it keeps him with her, that's the price she's willing to pay.
across town, y/n hisses as the hot water hits her back. she had woken up from a nightmare after she had gotten wine drunk. she doesn't remember much of it, just that she had woke up crying. she jumps as she hears a distant scream. her father must have been doing business. she wonders what the pour soul did and if they'll be alive by the time the sun rises. she hopes that the screaming does stop soon though. it's distracting and she wants to work on clearing her head. she wants to forget what happened last night.
  how her stomach fluttered and her head started to spin when they help hands for a moment. she feels something ignite inside of her, something she's never really felt before. scared she shuts off the water and rushes out of the shower. drying off and pulling her pink nightie back on she turns on her record players. playing soft music and lays down in bed and drifts back to sleep to the soothing voice of   bowie. that new feeling still flowing through her veins.

hey guys so sorry for not updating, if this sucks I'm sorry! happy 2020! May this year bring you all great things! much love! this isn't edited!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2020 ⏰

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