Finding out- chapter 1

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I'm sorry if it's horrible, I'm trying my best!

Virgil was yelled at by Roman again, and he felt horrible. His anxiety was acting up, and the voice in his head wouldn't go away.
He went to his boyfriends, Logan's, room. "Lo? Can you talk?" Virgil stuttered out.
"Sorry Virgil, I love you, but right now I have to work on this script." Logan said.
Virgil sighed and shuffled his feet to his room, and locked the door instantly.
He opened his drawer and moved a few books, then saw what he was looking for. His purple pacifier, he really needed to tell Logan about his age regression.
He quickly popped the pacifier in and huddled up under his blanket, grabbing his stuffie, a black cat named Violet. 
He instantly regressed to around age 2 and giggled at lots of small things. Soon he heard footsteps outside his door. "Kiddo!" That word made him feel smaller "Dinner is ready!" He heard Patton call from outside his door.
Virgil giggled at the father figure but realized he had to snap out of his headspace, but he felt he couldn't so he just took out his paci, put it under his pillow, and left everything there and went down for dinner.
Aren't you fat enough already? Do you really need to eat?
He could normally stand the voice, but the voice being there and him being little made him want to cry.
He sat down at the table and waited for food to be set in front of him.
"So emo nightmare, what were you doing locked up in your room? Giving Thomas that lovely anxiety attack?" Roman said, getting louder with every word "what the hell is wrong with you? You're a freak! You're an idiot! Why can't you do anything right?!"
"Sorry" Virgil muttered and stood up, quickly walking to his room.
He grabbed his pacifier and put it in, beginning to cry. He soon heard footsteps outside his door again.
"Virgil? Honey? Can I come in?" Logan called from outside.
Virgil quickly shuffled to the door and unlocked it and opened it. Logan's eyes widened, his mouth emits and "oh" sound and he quickly walks in and locks the door.
"Ou fink I weir'" Virgil muttered through his pacifier. You think I'm weird
"No! Baby, not at all. I love you, this won't change that." Logan picked up Virgil and sat on the bed with one arm around him. Logan wipes each tear that fell from Virgils face as the little cried.
"Viowet!" Virgil muttered and reached for the stuffed animal. Logan understood and grabbed the stuffie, giving her to Virgil.
"Hey, baby boy, I love you." Logan said and kissed Virgil on the forehead, Virgil spit out his paci and kissed Logan on the lips.
"Now you can't use that one baby, do you have another?" Logan sighed.
"Mhm! In dere!" Virgil pointed to a drawer.
Logan opened it and gasped, he grabbed the black pacifier he saw, a book to read to Virgil and night, and looked sternly at Virgil.
~TRIGGER WARNING; cuts (not cutting) burns, and razors~
"Virgil what is this?" Logan set all of the little items on the nightstand and held up a razor stained crimson with blood.
Virgils eyes widened and he started crying again.
"Virgil, I love you, but you can't be tearing yourself up!" Logan raised his voice, making Virgil scoot away.
"Oh, baby boy, I'm sorry, I'm just not happy that you do that to yourself. Can we get you changed? I want to see your body where you've harmed."  Logan said calmly.
"Mhm, I get em" Virgil said.
Virgil waddled to his closet. Logan sighed and followed him, picking him up and putting him on his hip. "You're to little for that baby"
Virgil giggled and pointed to a black oversized sweater. Logan grabbed that and some loose comfortable black shorts.
Logan set Virgil on the ground and Virgil lifted his arms above his head.
Logan pulled his shirt off and Virgil started to cry, not from shame though. (You'll find out in another chapter)
Soon Logan had the shirt completely off Virgil and Virgil had stopped crying.
"Virgil, why didn't you come to me?" Logan was on the verge of tears. The small boys arms were littered with cuts and scars, burns and bruises.
"I tried, sometimes. Other times I dint. I dint wanna bother you or you were busy" Virgil muttered.
Logan ran his fingers over the others arms, and started to kiss his arms.
"You're beautiful, please never do this again. I'm here for you baby boy" Logan sighed
Virgil nodded and Logan put the sweater on him, Logan repeated the process without as many words for the bottoms and got the shorts on, they covered everything on the small boy.
~trigger warning end~
"Alright baby boy, I'll go get you some fruit then we will brush your teeth and go to bed. What would you like to drink?" Logan smiled slightly.
"Apple juice!" Virgil smiles and jumped onto his bed, quickly putting his black pacifier in and his stuffie in his arms.
"Hey, Virgil! You haven't eaten yet, can I come in?" Patton yelled from outside the door.
Virgils eyes widened, Logan had slightly opened the door already.
"Virgil isn't feeling well, I'm going to take care of him tonight Patton. I was just about to get him some fruit to eat, that way he doesn't feel worse." Logan made up an excuse.
Virgils breathing picked up and Patton and Logan noticed, Patton forced the door open and Virgil started to cry.
Patton rushes over to the boy before he realized, and Virgils tears picked up. Logan rushed over and picked up Virgil, taking him downstairs.
"You're to tiny to be left alone, and I don't know how Patton is reacting" Logan explained.
Virgil was in full on sobs by the time they saw Roman.
"Oh sweet Disney princes" Roman censored himself, he knew what a little was but he never suspected Virgil to be one.
"Hey, shh, baby boy. You're okay, nobody minds this. I love you, ok?" Logan said to him as well as other reassuring words.
Virgil continued crying, but it lessened. Logan set him down on a counter and wiped away tears, then pulling out his pacifier and giving him a kiss.
"Hey Roman! Could you conjure me a pacifier clip in black or purple please?" Logan asked.
Roman quickly did and walked it over to the two. "Anything else?"
"Apologize to Virgil. You have caused him plenty of pain already." Logan commanded more then asked.
Logan grabbed Virgils arm and rubbed circles on it, trying to reassure the small boy.
"I'm sorry Virgil, I didn't mean to hurt you in any way shale or form. You were trying your best and I thought you were trying to hurt Thomas, I'm sorry." Roman said to the young boy.
"It otay 'Oman" Virgil smiled.
Logan attaches the pacifier clip to the pacifier and the to Virgils shirt. Logan popped the pacifier into Virgils mouth.
"'Ank chu 'addy!" Virgil said and kicked his feet.
"Good job at using your manners little storm cloud!" Logan praised, even though he was a bit shaken up from being called daddy. Especially so soon. "We need to get you some more stuff soon, Roman get Patton. When I put Virgil down we're going shopping. It's so we can surprise you baby boy"
Roman nodded and went upstairs to Patton. Logan got some fruit, Virgil ate it, Logan read Virgil Bambi to get him to sleep, and then Logan, Patton, and Roman went shopping for Virgil. ("I think his age range is probably 1-5 from what I've seen?"|"Should we get this?" "HECK YES" "calm down NASA"| "does he need diapers?" "Get them anyways." "Get those ones at least, don't make him embarrassed about it"| "this." "PATTON NO" "PATTON YES"| "is this enough?" "No" "hah, nope, nothing is enough for my baby boy" | "he is spoiled now" "my money is gone!" "He's going to love it." )

1349 words. Next few chapters are stuff then I'm writing again

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