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Izuku's P.O.V:

As I slowly open my apartment's door, I look into the house with suspicion. Then I open the door and got back inside, while quietly closing the after...


I heard a sound like a glass shatter, then I saw a black hooded  figure with the hood labeled "Default" and appears that he have a punk mask that looks familiar, then he made his way to the kitchen area.

then I hear someone walking out of my kitchen area, quickly I pulled out my phone and dig into my pockets for my house key to use as a weapon.

"Who's there?!"

I yelled out then I heard footsteps...

"Oh crap, I thought you were going to be here a little bit more later...Izuku."

Then I heard footsteps making its way towards me, then the hooded figure reveals himself, holding a glass of milk..

"Honestly, I wasn't going to expect you to be here much more early. Not that you don't any other means of transport."

The guy has dark skin with two scars on his face, while the flu mask covers the rest of his face.

"Who are you?"

I questioned the stranger..

"Oh right, you don't fully recognize me without my mask."

He explains to me..


I questioned him again

"Yeah, allow me to put it on.."

Then the stranger turns away from me, as he takes of his hood and remove the flu mask, then he grabs his punk mask..

"Alright let me connect this."


"Okay you should recognize me- now!"

His calm voice change into a robotic voice revealing himself to be the only the person who I know so far with a robotic voice, Wrench.

P.O.V End

Wrench: Tada! You weren't expecting me to be here,

Wrench spoke to Izuku on a happy tone while his mask made a happy emote.

Wrench: Wait Izuku, were you expecting me?

Wrench questioned Izuku as his mask made a question emote.

Izuku didn't, actually he couldn't mutter a word, due to that fact that the so called Wrench is in his home.

Wrench: What's wrong my dude? A Neko Faunus caught your tongue?

Wrench questioned Izuku as he scratch under his chin..

Izuku: Wrench.. What the hell are you doing at my apartment?!

Izuku quietly shouted at Wrench as he looks towards his windows, doors and his electronic devices.

Wrench: Don't worry my man, I've got here without being seen, nor followed in public, and it isn't like your landlord had caught me and almost contacted a nearest police officer or Pro Hero in sight, so I was forced to I hit him with a blunt object causing him to faint, then tying him up and threw him into the janitor closet without being caught.

Wrench explained in a very specific information.

Izuku: Like the narrator said, that's oddly specific information.

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