《♡》Rekindling A Bond Part 2《♡》

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Deku's Point of View

I opened my eyes to see Kacchan on top of me. There were broken shards of glass everywhere and it looked like the villain that attempted to attack us was attempting to get up from the ground. Kacchan must've seen the villain and tackled me to protect me from the glass.

"Hey! Take another fucking step, I won't hesitate to beat your ass!" Kacchan yelled at the villain, staggering up from the ground and got into a fighting stance.

"You can try." The unknown villain cracks a vicious smile on his lips.

"But the real reason I came is to defeat the once mighty Symbol of Peace." The villain said powering up his quirk? I didn't know you could do that!

"I'm right here," I spoke bravely, stepping next to Kacchan, getting into a fighting stance myself.

"This should be fun." The villain cackled as he popped his knuckles.

"We'll destroy you, motherfucker!" Kacchan yelled as his hands crackled loudly.

The villain began to manipulate random things in my office, making them fly around us. Then, they all came crashing down on us.

"Shit! Deku! You good?" Kacchan asked as he quickly got up, and pulled a bookcase off of my back.

"Yeah, I'll be fine! Let's take this guy down." I took his hand, getting up with fire in my eyes.

We didn't care if we went to jail for using our quirks. We were protecting ourselves after all. Before we knew it, the villain was unconscious and Kacchan called security and the police.

Since there had been news networks everywhere around the building they caught the villain breaking into my office on live television. Basically a field day for the press.

In court a few weeks afterward, Kacchan and I were pardoned since it was self-defense, and we were once well-respected heroes.

All this happened so fast, it seemed like a blur. But the world knew one thing now, villains were once again a threat. Heroes were needed.

The next time I came into work there was security everywhere and an even bigger crowd than before. I was escorted inside the building for my protection per Kacchan's request.

Once in an even newer office, I saw Kacchan waiting for me in one of my chairs.

"Hey, Doctor Deku." Kacchan greeted as he turned around to face me.

"Hello, Mr. Bakugou." I smiled kindly as I sat down in front of him, not grabbing a notepad.

"So, why did you come to see me today?" I eventually spoke, deciding to just go with the flow and forget about taking notes for the day. Besides, professionalism was thrown out the window on day one.

"Well, my friends, we sort of lost touch, but I want to have a get together without sounding so sudden," Kacchan explained as he played with his hands.

"You know Kacchan, this isn't exactly something you would come to a therapist for." I giggle, quirking a brow.

"I know, but they were your friends too." Kacchan urged as he got up and poured himself a glass of water.

"Well I always remember Kirishima and Kaminari wanting to do anything involving alcohol, and Sero would just tag along," I said recollecting old memories of us going out to clubs and getting wasted, doing dumb things in public.

"Oh yeah, dumbasses," Kacchan said as he chuckled aloud.

"Yeah, do you remember when Kaminari accidentally gave the bartender a two-hundred instead of twenty? I reminisced with a bit of a chuckle.

"How could I not remember?" Kacchan asked chuckling more.

"Remember when Hair for Brains almost broke his arm when he got on top of the bar like a scene from Coyote Ugly?" When Kacchan brought this up our laughter grew louder.

"Of course, and do you remember the time Sero got so drunk he ran to the balcony and puked one some poor lady walking by?" I recalled as I began full-on laughing.

"Oh! oh! Remember when Pikachu grabbed Hair for Brains and gave him a sloppy kiss, but they knocked over the fake stripper pole? Kacchan cackled as he almost spat his water out.

Now both of us were wheezing, remembering the amazing times we had witnessed. If any news article got hold of this information about pro heroes, we'd be in hot water.

"Those were some great times, weren't they?" I chuckled as I got up and grabbed myself an apple from my fruit bowl.

"The best." Kacchan agreed as we both sat back down at the same time, smiles across our faces.

"They miss you, you know," Kacchan admitted after a bit of silence.

"I miss them too." I smiled as I considered this comment to be true, even if they were like babies to take care of when they were wasted.

"Then I've decided, I'm taking them to a club tonight, and you're coming with," Kacchan spoke as he looked into my eyes. His crimsons galaxy like eyes could be stared into for this lifetime and the next.

"Oh Kacchan, I c-couldn't possibly." I quickly stammered a response.

"Yes, you can." Kacchan urged on as he looked at me with those pleading eyes that I gave into millions of times before.

"Are you sure about this?" I considered wearily giving in, once again, big surprise!

"Of course, why else would I invite you?" Kacchan joked as he began to get up and leave.

"Meet us in front of the High Heels at 9:00 pm sharp on Friday night," Kacchan spoke while leaving, pleased with himself, and with a smile plastered on his face.

"Okay," I called back, standing there almost speechless. This was a nice change. Just friends. I can try to handle just being friends.

"Dr. Midoriyia, you're a miracle worker!" I heard Beth scream behind me.

"What do you mean Beth?" I asked turning around to see Beth with the most shocked look on her face you could ever see.

"H-How did you make Mr. Bakugou smile?" Beth inquired almost breathless.

"He doesn't smile all the time?" I asked, now shocked myself.

"No, not since I've worked for him," Beth admitted now leaving my office.

Wow. Kacchan. You are full of surprises. It's only been two years since we parted.


Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed today's chapter. More soon hopefully. Remember you are strong, confident, beautiful, and worth every good thing in your life. Bye for now!

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